Hello there! I'm Kelly. I'm 19 (which completely blows my mind, by the way... when did we all get this OLD?!) and I go to the fabulous Otterbein College. I'm extremely excited to be on my way to what I really want to do with my life.I'm a sophomore but I suppose technically a junior? Haha...
I can't wait to finish up school and become an elementary teacher, I want to teach either first or second grade. I'm still on the fence about that.
I lead a very very busy life. I'm juggling three jobs, six classes, and multiple organizations and I haven't died yet. I think I'm doing pretty well... I love it all though. I work at Joann (I LOVE you guys!!!), I'm an RA (I love my girls!) and I work in the Continuing Studies office.
I have some pretty amazing friends, if I do say so myself. You know who you are. My family is great. And I just so happen to have a pretty cute boyfriend too... :) Since 2-27-06. A year and seven months. That's pretty good so far, I'd say...
I love to sing. AOSFYC is amazing.
Bad grammar and college kids who don't know the difference between there, their, and they're bother me.
I am who I am and I'm not going to change that for you or anyone else. If you ask me to change for you, you're gone.
I'm really a lot more fun than I probably sound here. :)Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.aim=teddybearkell.
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