Surf and skate. Acting and listening to others.
Clowns - all shapes and sizes of those individuals who've learned how to shed wisdom through laughter. Heelers. Healers. Old and hungry friends. Actors who want to play games. You'll see why.
Well-directed comic book movies. Fantasies for adults but rarely the ones for kids these days, although the ones from my childhood will always be my favorite movies. Hero's journey action and character-arcing adventure. Nonfiction tales.
Comedy that's not sitcom - unless it has an edge that is truly innovative. Script-less is best, or script-stripped. Streamed shows to the network's websites that don't force me to click "continue" after every segment. The best collection of shorts that is
soul work, books on topics of the times, actor's breakdowns, horoscopes, newspaper headlines, books on tape
Hermes, Dad, David DeAngelo, James Dean, John Farmanesh-Bocca, the Flash, most of my top 8.favorite quote right now: "You learn that which observes is you and not that which is being observed. Thus, no matter how undesirable any particular aspect is, it becomes wholly possible to deal with it, accept it, explore it, work with it, no longer be frightened by it. The capacity to observe and adjudge, to note and evaluate and, last but not least, to choose the best possible attitude as to what to do with the observed--that is the true power of your real self, as it already exists right now. Freedom , liberation, the knowledge of self, the finding of self are the first steps toward realizing the greater consciousness, the universal divine consciousness in you." (PGL 189 of "The Pathwork Guide) quoted in "The Undefended Self" by Susan Thesenga