nataliedee.comDiscovering the mating habitat of the Dosidicus Gigas. And in my spare time pick up after the next great monster truck driver.
Chelsey Handler!
"Leave me a message" - Steph
It all sucks these days
Anything with John Cleese (the funniest man alive....well almost).
Anything with Will Ferrell (THE funniest man alive).
I hate to admit it.....but Top Gun is by far the best movie ever
(I know that freak of a man is in it)
Absolutely anything that is reality based. Like I don't have enough drama!href=""
Anything by Dan Brown. Yes Lora the author of "sacreligous crap!" Living Buddha Living Christ... Science of the Mind.....
My husband!
Dork Spectrum: Where Do You Fall
Full-on Dork (Severe/Profound) –
There is basically no hope for you. You are the guy/girl that is constantly laughing at yourself. In fact, you’re probably doing it right now. You can’t listen to someone in conversation without trying to work over what they are saying in your head to come up with some sort of witty comment or a way to relate it to real life situations, sit coms or a movie you’ve seen at least 35 times. You enjoy practicing responses to seem spontaneous and quirky, but the levels of effort and awareness of your own awkwardness are off the chart which places you in the Full-on end of the Dork Spectrum. I’d say that you should think more about what you say before you say it, but you’d probably just be thinking of something witty to say and not really listen anyway. My best advice is to find someone who is just as Dorky as you and hold on to them. You will never find a better match than with another Full-on. In case you need help identifying others’ level of Dorkiness, this test may be re-administered as
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