*nicae* profile picture


makin' muh seLf oh sO busy hahahahah:D

About Me

welcÖme tO my wÖrLd!! Ü

My Interests


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* i was given the name Nicollette Ann Sunglao
* born on the 10th of September of the year 1988
* 18 years of age
* Nicole was derived from St. Nicols which feast happens to be my birthday.. :)
* i have o1 sis and o1 brO..
* pa & ma usually call me "sweetipie"
* i really treasure my friends., can't live without them
* i do love my family
* "close family ties" - important factor for us! :)
* certified chatter bOx
* love my fone so much.. im always on my 24/7 trying to keep intouch with my family and friends..
* netsurfin and txting are two of the things that keeps me awake til past morning.. hahahah:D
* gimikera to death with my barkada and if not, i usually stay at hOme..
* dancing is my passion! i was 5 years old when i started dancin'.. dancetroupe leader for 9 long years.. :D
* blue. pink and purple lover
* movie addict
* music lover
* pet lover. i
* bag colector; got lots of them! ;)
* hates backstabbers!
* im partial to earrings. they accentuate the face :D (i make my own earrings.. ;D )
* im a shoulder to cry on, 24/7 friend on the gO! :D
* spontaneous
* frank
* upbeat
* goofy
* fun
* creative
* sweet
* cheerful
* passionate
* crazy
* open-minded
* chatty
* trendy
* makulit
* versatile
* wacky
* thoughful
* charming
* chic
* posh
* worthy *

* under construction *

My Blog


!THiiS iiS LOVE! BOY: ii lost her. GIRL: ii love hiim. BOY: ii saw her todaii. GIRL: ii saw hiim todaii. BOY: iit feels liike iits been forever. GIRL: ii wonder iif he sti...
Posted by *nicae* on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 04:05:00 PST

tEardrOps.. hmm.. mUst reAd!

:'( I'm the teardrop of the man who regret letting a girl go...   ``aNd tHe stOry&`` :'( She teardrop consoled : There would come a time when we have to stop loving someone not because tha...
Posted by *nicae* on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 04:25:00 PST