♥Give mE s0mE LovE♥
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♥tHe rEaL DeaL♥
NAME katherine
NICKNAME kate,katie,kath
AGE 19
BDAI april 27'87
SIGN taurus
STAT ♥taken♥
LOC las pinas,ph
MOOD blissful serenity
~June 11, 2006~
♥RaNdoM tRuThs♥
beach bum
island princess
has paranoid tendencies
patient yet irritable toolikes worrying
sensitive in terms of emotions
i wann be organized yet still unpredictablescared of heights but loves ridin high rollercoasters
specially the ones wit many loops and turnin
and the ones ur juz standin uprightsometimes bossy
loves travellin and goin to many places
wanns to go to europe
afraid of changesarcastic sometimes
yet is easily hurt by criticisms
possessivesweet like sugar
kind and nice
snob at times
talkative but silent
loves writin poetry
loves pink purple and blue
music(singin and dancin)
plays the piano
frustrated drummer
loves takin piix specially of myself
vain and conceited
scared to be rejected
everyone's bEbEgUrL
i love pizza pasta french fries sundaes and salads
→ wanna knoe more? juz ask ^^ =] ←