*TIPTOP* profile picture


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About Me

hi my name is tiffany. i attend monroe high the best school in albany. i can get along with almost anybody as long as they dont rub me the wrong way. i can be a little angel or i can be the BITCH from hell. most girls dont like me cause they boyfriend want me. but i really cant help that. i want to thank all my haters cause if it wasnt for yall i wouldnt be tiffany. i want to thank my mother and father for having a beautiful daughter inside and out. i want to thank my best friend yolette cause she was the one who was there for me all them ten years. when them three chicks stop talking to me she was there.my other best friend and lil sister dj. i dont let any girl mess with her. and them other lil girls who think they got eric green or want him he is taken by my lil sister. so these lil girls need to stop tryin cuz he is taken.my boy best friend eric green he gives the best advice. he has help me out with all of my problems. we have stop being friends alot but it didnt last long. but last but not least i want to thank God cause if it wasnt for him i wouldnt be the person i am today. .com"For Girls Myspace Layouts a href="http://www.layoutsduh

My Interests

darryl 90% Compatible ♥ tiffany and darryl have been romantically-together for awhile now, indicating a degree of compatibility. Similar personality descriptions are a plus. Their shared faith will help form a bond between them. They both abstain from drinking, so that helps compatibility. Their astrological signs are in harmony, which is a plus. And their views on children are similar. The fact that both tiffany and darryl are somewhat dominant reduces compatibility, as opposites in this area attract. Overall, tiffany and darryl are highly compatible. They are capable of having a beautiful relationship together. ♥

Dating Compatibility Test on Dating Diversions


.:*About Me*:.
Name: tiffany
Age: 16
Location: albany
Sex: female
Nickname: tip
Birthday: 10/20/90
Height: 5"3
Eye Color: mid brown
Hair Color: goldish hilights
Color: green
Place: the mall
Drink: pepsi
Movies(s): notebook.ATL
TV show(s): one on one and
Food: pizza
Song: see us together akon
Band/Artist: fall out boy
Candy: resse
Person: darryl
Piece of Clothing: shirt
Season: spring
Store: polo outlet
Sport: i dont off
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
Mcdonalds or Burger King: mickey d
Black Or White: black
Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
Guy or Girl: guy
Night Or Day: day
Summer or Winter: summer
Ocean or Pool: ocean
Write Or Type: type
Laugh or Cry: laugh
.:*In a Guy or Girl*:.
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Hug or Kiss: both
Love or Money: love
Peircings/Tatoos: neither
Looks or Personality: both
Single or Group Date: sigle
Best Qualities:
Kids: 3
Names^: i dont know
Marriage: with darryl
Career: nurse
Hobbies: i dont know
Loudest: yolette
Most Honest: yolette
You Can Tell Anything To: yolette
Helps You With You Life Problems: yolette
You See the Most: my mother
You Love the Most: my mother
You Would do Anything for: darryl
Shyest: none
Has the Most Friends:
You Trust The Most: God
.:*Who Was the Last Person To...*:.
Hug You: darryl
Cuddle With You: darryl
Kiss You: darryl
Sing To You: i dont know
Touch You: darryl
Tell You Bye: darryl
Write You a Note: i dont knw
Take Your Picture: ashely
.:*Whens the Last Time You...*:.
Laughed: today
Cried: yesterday
Watched a Movie: this morning
Read a Book: today
Chewed Gum: today
Went To A Store: wednesday
You Said Something: now
#1 Thing You Want To Do Before You Die: jump out a airplane
Do You Love Anyone: yes
Whats Their Name^: darryl
Do You Like To Dance/Sing: no
How Many Hours a Day Do You Sleep: 8 to 9
Is the Person That Made This Quiz The Coolest Ever??LoL: no
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The One I Gave My Heart 2
Whats ur baby's name?: darryl taylor
Do u love him/her?: yes i do
Wut's their fave color?: he doesnt have a favorite color
Wut's their fave food?: sqaush or them little skinny green things
Who said I Love You first?: i did
Did u have sex with him/her?: no
Does him/her know ur family?: yes some of them
Does ur family like him/her?: yes
Do u 2 have weird nicknames 4 each other? if so wut?: yes sweetpea and tee tee
When and where did u 2 meet?: on the phone
Who introduced u 2?: mt best friend yolette
Who made the first move?: he did
What attracted u to him/her?: his sillest
What attracted him/her to u?: my personality
Do u 2 argue?: yes all the time
do u kno each other well enough to finish on another's sentences?: yes we have done that plenty of times
If u 2 had kids wut would their names be?: darryl 3 and tamya
Is he/she taller than u?: yes
What irritates u about him/her?: everything
What do u love most about him/her?: how he makes me laugh
Do they sing 2 u?: no but i want them to
Do u sing to them?: no
What's ur favorite memory u 2 shared with one another?: when we was at the fair togehter
Did he/she ever make you cry?: yes plenty of times
what's the dumbest thing you've ever argued about?: bout who is going to start the conversation first
Does his/her family like you?: i think so
Do you like his/her family?: i have only met some of them
Is ur relationship envied?: no
Ever feel like: just saying lets see other people
What would u do if he/she dided tomorrow?: loose my mind
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Xo .About Me. oX
Name:: tiffany
Nickname:: tip or tiptop
Birthday:: 10/20/90
Current Location:: skool
Hair Color:: black with goldish highlights
Eye Color:: mid brown
Contacts/Glasses:: glasses but i am beautiful without them
Height:: 5"3
Weight:: 108
Style:: what does that mean
Xo .Faves. oX
Color:: gren or brown
Style:: i just answered that
Clothing Stores:: weat seal, body shop, polo outlet, american eagle
Season:: spring
Number:: 2
Friend:: yolette, eric,and dj
Xo .This or That. oX
Summer or Winter:: summer
Spring or Fall:: spring
Single or Taken:: taken
One Night Stands or Long Term Relationships:: long term
Men or Women:: men
More Guy Friends or Lady Friends:: more guy friends
Morning or Night:: morning
Sunny or Rainy:: sunny
Old or New:: new of course
Stripes or Polka Dots or Plaid:: polka dots i look so hot in them
Hats or Sunglasses:: hats
Tees or Sweatshirts:: tees
Shorts or Skirts:: skirts
Plain or Destroyed Jeans:: i wear both
Sandals or Sneakers:: i lilke both
Xo .Last Person You.. oX
Talked To:: my lil sister dj
Yelled At:: darryl
Lauged With:: dj
Hugged:: darryl
Kissed:: darryl
Dated:: darryl
Loved:: daryl
Hung Out With:: dj and my sis
Went To The Movies With:: my sister
Talked To On The Phone:: tehrin
Texted:: yolette
IMed:: i dont im
Asked For Advise:: dj
Became Friends With:: i dont have many friends
Became Best Friends With:: my sister dj
Told Everything To:: dj
Stop Being Friends With:: that chick know who she is
Fought With:: i am a lover not a fighter
Backstabbed/Backstabbed By:: a group of females
Xo .Have You Ever. oX
Went Skinny Dipping:: no
Went Streaking:: no
Had Sex:: no i have not
Pulled a Shannon:: what is a shannon
Been Shot or Stabbed:: no that i remember
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