donny profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

* gw orangnya cuex abis * demen becanda, jail abis * like party very much....... (anyone invite me?...) * nga suka orang yg jaim... (bikin bt)

My Interests

Clubbing HAngoUT Billiard All about PArtY.... (All KiNd :) )

I'd like to meet:

*Klo emang ngerasa cewek sexy, cantik *friendly *klo emang lo orgnya suka party juga *For anyone wanna joined with me please add me to : [email protected].....


Progressive..., Techno.., Tribal..., House juga kadang2... he...he...he...


Lord Of the Ring, Fast and Furious, Harry Potter.... JAck Ass... all about comedian sex movies.... and most of all VIVID he..he..he..


MTV Party Zone..... FTV, friends..., MTV whatever Things......


all kind man magazine... (FHM..., ME...., Playboy Indonesia)


SUPERMAN.... Cool ABiss....