Check this out!! Fun Video with the Vikings and EOP Cheerleaders!- Bina is the Girl on the bonnet- she couldn t dance cause her leg was broken!! aaaaaaaaa
it s a mood thing!!!but it s allways Rock n Roll !!!!
aaa Scareface- Serpico- Bound by Honor-True Romance-ROCKY- Reservoir Dogs-Casino- Dusk till Dawn- Wanderers- Warriors-Bullet-28 Days-Dogma- Death Proof-Mystic River- Smokin Aces- a lot of BMovies!!!! Brando/Rourke/McQueen/DeNiro/Paccino/Penn/Tarantino/Stone
Monk- Law and Order- CSI - Miami Vice- Wiseguy- King of =Queens-Prison Break- 24- Simpsons- Sports- K1 Fights- Belushi Show etc.... "OZ"
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IM WAITING 4 THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!