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location :: denver.CO
d.o.b. :: 02.13.78


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about me :

I am a music engineer, musician, composer, sound designer, producer and techno DJ living in Denver.

I'm married to the best friend I've ever had. That's her at the top of my friends list. She's incredibly rad. Maybe I'll actually post some new pics of us too! That would sure shock anyone who keeps coming here and seeing the same thing every time. Both of you.

I often stare very hard at our president's head, to see if I can make it explode. Now that he's almost out of office, I'm much less excited than I thought I would be about our choices of people with whom to replace him.

I try very hard not to be totally consumed with the bleak feeling that our country has irreversably lost its way.

I am perpetually too busy and/or too broke to do all things I want to do.

I eat food.

my music :

Much of my music has been released under the pseudonym digitalb0y . I'm also half of sound logic , which is a primarily techno-related collaborative project I work on with the help of DJ Radioactive. You can listen to some of our music here: (requires Flash Player 8 )



univ. of CO @ denver :
2001 to present
major: music engineering

univ. of CO @ boulder :
1996 to 1999

liberty high school
[colorado springs] :
graduated: 1996

shmooze topics





spacepirate music
rope swing cities
dorje records

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what've they been feeding me?

My Blog

Our puppys surgery

Some of you may have heard that we recently found out our puppy needs an extremely expensive surgery on both of his back legs to correct patella luxation.Originally, we were told that the cheapest of ...
Posted by c0rey on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:52:00 PST

To all my friends

I owe a huge appology to those of you I have failed to contact recently.  Please know that I am not avoiding anyone or making a conscious decision not to be in touch.I have been thinking about al...
Posted by c0rey on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:06:00 PST

damn it.

I just found out that a good friend and classmate of mine, Samuel Zawada, and his fiancee died this week on their way to their own wedding in Tuscon.  Their car rolled on I-25 in Santa ...
Posted by c0rey on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 03:57:00 PST

The life of a procrastinating insomniac...

So some of my friends have noticed that I've been MIA lately. I figured I'd put my paper off a little longer in the name of letting whoever wants to know what my days look like this week... here's my ...
Posted by c0rey on Tue, 02 May 2006 11:52:00 PST

Damn it.

Insomnia is a bitch.  It gets your schedule all fucked up until it finally starts messing up the stuff you have to do.  I couldn't sleep again after work Wednesday night, even though I've ba...
Posted by c0rey on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 05:29:00 PST


Man this shit is gonna kill me this semester.  When will I ever finish this degree so I can move to where there's a music business?  I'm beginning to think the latter may come before the for...
Posted by c0rey on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 01:43:00 PST

Ahhh... there it is.

Okay, so it seems I can still make music afterall.  I just finished a remix project that involved trading tracks with some of the mtn-raves kids.  The results were posted here: http://djmadw...
Posted by c0rey on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 03:12:00 PST

Do you ever wonder why you're doing, say... everything you're doing?

Music just isn't happening for me right now.  I have about 200 8-bar chunks I really like, that don't get any closer to finished.  I took this semester off from school (which is taking me WA...
Posted by c0rey on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 01:20:00 PST