You are a fallen angel of persecussion. You have
fallen because of your mind becoming
increasingly disturbed and dark. This has
happened because of what you have experienced
in your life. Things that have happened in
your life have been painful and difficult to
tolerate which has left you suffering. Your
soul is slowly decaying as you somehow cannot
escape what's happened. You are beingining
(or you havn't already) to lose hope that
things could get better.
"Life hurts more than death. When you
die the pain is
What type of Fallen Angel are you? [beautiful + dark pics]
brought to you by Quizilla
All the dreams I have are nightmares of reality... happiness is a lie created for fairy tale lives... darkness surrounds my heart and soul... lost in the abyss spiraling down... no place left to hide the pain I feel inside... the carefree face you see in front... but the truth hides... you'll never know the turmoil and rage i try to bury... the voices that scream... they never stop... the thoughts of death... they never stop... bipolar manic depression schizophenic sycopath!copyright 2006 mosh productions
Tuff Luck "IOU"Tuff Luck "Up and Down"
Can we say Texas Chainsaw Masacre, House of 1000 Corpses, The Devils Reject's, The Exorcist, The Amityville Horror, Resident Evil, Halloween, Friday the 13th, anything dark, creepy, evil, blood and guts galore! I need a new move to actually Scare me...If you know something that you think can scare me or make me jump PLEASE TELL ME!!!
OK so I am Addicted to CSI and Law and Order(all of them)/ Discovery Channel/ Animal Planet/ National Geographic channel/ science channel...