Videogames in different formats and its music were the elements that brought Soda (0), Salkin (4) & Pricky (7) together.
These three jolly good fellas from Sweden started out with the good old FT2 tracker for the PC. In a lack of time they recorded a christmas chip album, just for fun, between november and december '01 called "Wheel du fira hjul med mej?". The title is a swedish word-joke, which is very hard to explain in english, but it sure is fun!
A week later the boys were played on Sweden's most popular radio station P3, in the videogame music program called "Syntax Error"
In 2003 they recorded their second album, which was a collection of tracked XMs and Mods the boys had done since the very beginning. Some solo projects and some coops.
The title of this one was: 047 - "Eller 047 som det blir p engelska", which is, also a joke, but this can be explained in english: 047 - "Or 047 as it is spelled in english" :-) With the release of this one, they were played on P3 once again.
Later on, Salkin bought a peculiar music program for his Gameboy, called LSDJ and started making music on this killer machine. They boys eventually started playing live and on their very first concert they were confronted with a bunch of ninjas in the front shouting 047!
Ever since, the boys have been playing a lot live all over Sweden and this year they will play at Arvikafestivalen & Emmabodafestivalen, which are two of Sweden's biggest musical events.
This June the boys also released their "debut" album: Robopop (Vi Tar CDn Dit Vi Kommer) on the new swedish label: killing music, so visit once in a while for updates and a lot of crazy other stuff!
Ladi Dadi!