A year and a half ago, Per Hammar & Fetto started making music together in a basement in southern sweden. Per Hammar andFetto had for a time constructed music by their self. Per Hammar a.k.a. Per Hammar (and in the duo "Poli Dope System"), andFetto a.k.a. Selba [www.myspace.com/selba]. At the first basement-night we created the song "Lazermann auf Autobahn", and thesame night we decided to continuing doing music together. We spend a lot of time in this basement together with a computer,reason 2.5 and an old midi-synthesizer with so much latency that we nearly started a big rumble with it. But we becamefriends with the syntesizer and some new songs were born. When "Ålands Bidrag till Eurovision Songcontest 2006, and "1995"were done, started we to talk about making a whole album of the songs, and we did. The name of the album became "Treo CompDisco!". We named it after our hysterical techno-song, in 150 bpm, "Treo Comp", that became our second track on the album.Our album also included our remix on "L'amour Toujours" by "Gigi D'agoustino", and some other tracks that nowadays appears tobe so bad that we nearly don´t want to be involved with them. We copied 100 ex by ourself with a front, backside, amini-booklet and records covered with printed stickers. Click here to seea pic on the album.
When the album was finished, we had a release party with our friends in Ninjaspark. At this time our music, and Ninjasparksmusic was related to eachother. Both's music had a 8-bit, game boy, blipblop feeling, even if our songs was more like technoand harder genres. The release party was our first real live performance. After that night we decided to go hard for sellingour album and spread our music in all kinds. And we did. After some time we started to do some new tracks that we released onour website www.perhammarvsfetto.se. The tracks "Skandalen" and the remix of "När Vi Gräver Guld i USA": "Class of '94" weredownloaded by a lot of listeners.
We had a few gigs around in Scania with artists like Slagsmålsklubben, 50hertz, 64Revolt, Boy vs. Bacteria and Ninjaspark. Atthis moment our music still matched the other groups and their genres, and our website started to get a lot of visitors.
After those live acts, we recided down to the basement again (that now were updated with som new fresh electroniques!) to dosome new tracks and experiment with different genres. In fact, we were so fucking tired of drunken teenagers thatentertain theirselfes to jump around infront of a concert, with a band that plays funny songs, with funny sounds.
In the beginning of the summer 2006, the web relaesed EP "Half Past Analog EP"
with the tracks "Anslagstavlan", "In i Väggen", "Now" and the remix of John Frusciante's "Murdurers" introduced a new partof Per Hammar vs. Fetto's time line. When recording this songs we erased all the connections to our old "8-bit-feeling". Wewere now entering another kind of music movement. At least we wanted to. Together with this EP we were booked for somefestival performances. Tipifesten in Jonstorp, and Tullakrokfestivalen in Ängelholm were the start for an intensive autumnwith a lot of performances around in Scania.
In November 2006 the track "Molecules" was released on our myspace-site. With the line "It was time to get something done."we showed that something new is comming up. We had a mini-tour together with 64Revolt. We played in Östersund and Malmö, andwe mixed our new tracks with a bit older stuffs.
Once again with had a time without live performances and we spend the time our little studio.
...And here we are today!
With our new sound with more techno, house and vocals are we planning our next album. We already have a few finished trackswith alot of hard drumbeats, good bass and vocals. In a cuople of weeks our new single "Audio Me" will be released. The newalbum will be the official sound of Per Hammar vs. Fetto, and it will be great. So hold on!