FLYING!!! Look at my babies!! I can't wait :-)
Around the world and back again in one trip, there's just something about a bomber :-)I am in the Air Force and love it, I'm totally excited to become an officer and a pilot (I JUST found out!!) I also care about my grades in school though. Gotta keep that GPA up. I LOVE music and concerts and am totally a guy to get out on the dance floor and shake it up a lil :) Hmm, I'm sure there's more but I think this is all you're gettin for now lol, this stuff is long!
People I don't know haha. Ok ok ok, I like meeting everyone and anyone and just makin new friends. I'm a pretty social person so i like gettin out there to find people that I don't know, and if you're readin this, don't be afraid to talk to me either k! Here's the AIM name too just in case: josh0204
LINKIN PARK pretty much rocks the house, but other than them i like all kinds, sugarcult, green day, starting line, NIN, Tool, Staind, Jay Z, A lil 50 cent, and lots and LOTS more. But there's on more thig, keep country aaawwwaaayyy, just kidding! But no really, just can't handle that stuff sometimes lol!
Hmmm good movies well: TOP GUN BABY, you know why, cause I'M GONNA BE A PILOT lol, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, had SUCH a good time at that movie!, The Matrix 1 (of course!), Dirty Dancing Havanna Nights, I dig the music what can I say!, Pirates of the Caribbean, Office Space, Blade, The Last Samurai, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Hero, and more and more and more.........
Television... What's that??? I don't have TIME for television!
Don't know if I have a favorite book... Should probably try and change that eh?
My dad, definitely one of my heroes for all he's done for me and my family. Anyone in the military cause it's definitely a 24/7 job that you can't just quite! Here's a shout-out to all our men and women over-seas, you guys kick-ass!