Joshua profile picture


Are we counting DOWN yet?? ;-)

About Me

animated layout @ HOT
HotFreeLayoutsSo ya want to know about me eh? Well my name is Josh and I am a 5'8" MALE (in case you couldn't figure THAT one out lol) with brown hair, and blue eyes. :) I go to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott AZduring the school year as a Global Security and Intelligence Major and I have to admit, I totally love it. I spend my summers up in Oregon (Albany for those of you out there that live in OR too!) I'm also in Air Force ROTC to hopefully become a future Air Force Officer (Cross into the Blue baby!) and this spring I find out if I got my pilot spot for them so wish me luck! Other than that I am a pretty chill guy that likes to have fun with my friends and the people around me. Usually no matter who is there or what we're doin I like to keep things fun, or in the least interesting ;-). So yea, I think that's a good start for now, but don't be afraid to msg if ya wanna know more!Just in case you weren't sure what my next job is going to be, here's a couple of little clips to fill ya in ;-)

My Interests

FLYING!!! Look at my babies!! I can't wait :-)

Around the world and back again in one trip, there's just something about a bomber :-)I am in the Air Force and love it, I'm totally excited to become an officer and a pilot (I JUST found out!!) I also care about my grades in school though. Gotta keep that GPA up. I LOVE music and concerts and am totally a guy to get out on the dance floor and shake it up a lil :) Hmm, I'm sure there's more but I think this is all you're gettin for now lol, this stuff is long!

I'd like to meet:

People I don't know haha. Ok ok ok, I like meeting everyone and anyone and just makin new friends. I'm a pretty social person so i like gettin out there to find people that I don't know, and if you're readin this, don't be afraid to talk to me either k! Here's the AIM name too just in case: josh0204


LINKIN PARK pretty much rocks the house, but other than them i like all kinds, sugarcult, green day, starting line, NIN, Tool, Staind, Jay Z, A lil 50 cent, and lots and LOTS more. But there's on more thig, keep country aaawwwaaayyy, just kidding! But no really, just can't handle that stuff sometimes lol!


Hmmm good movies well: TOP GUN BABY, you know why, cause I'M GONNA BE A PILOT lol, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, had SUCH a good time at that movie!, The Matrix 1 (of course!), Dirty Dancing Havanna Nights, I dig the music what can I say!, Pirates of the Caribbean, Office Space, Blade, The Last Samurai, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Hero, and more and more and more.........


Television... What's that??? I don't have TIME for television!


Don't know if I have a favorite book... Should probably try and change that eh?


My dad, definitely one of my heroes for all he's done for me and my family. Anyone in the military cause it's definitely a 24/7 job that you can't just quite! Here's a shout-out to all our men and women over-seas, you guys kick-ass!

My Blog

Dear Alcohol, Love Ty

Ty, I loved this and HAD to repost it!!  Miss ya!   Dear Alcohol, First & foremost, let me tell you that I'm a huge fan of yours. As my friend, you always seem to be there when needed. T...
Posted by It's So Close You Can Taste It! ;-) on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 11:59:00 PST

So, Midterms, feel free to be over whenever you want

LOL MAN IT FEELS LIKE MIDTERMS WON'T END!!! I don't know about all of you, but my first one started not this LAST Friday, but the one BEFORE THAT!  So yea, I think I am about ready for these midt...
Posted by It's So Close You Can Taste It! ;-) on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:48:00 PST

Wow, I miss the rain... :-(

Well, just got home from DDin for one of my roomies tonight (Neidin, only 1 more day left till you are 21!!), and I realized how long it has been since I have gotten to just listen to rain, now that m...
Posted by It's So Close You Can Taste It! ;-) on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:50:00 PST

2 More to Go!

Hey Everybody, 1 more PFT (physical fitness test) down, 2 more to go until I am commissioned as a 2d. Lt. in the Air Force :-)  Hope you all did well!  Out for now!  JVNC...
Posted by It's So Close You Can Taste It! ;-) on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 11:55:00 PST


Hey Everyone! I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all my happy birthday comments :-) You guys rock and I wish you were all here to celebrate, but not tomorrow because the Air Force wanted to give ...
Posted by It's So Close You Can Taste It! ;-) on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 02:03:00 PST

Hey Hey

Hey Everyone, what's up, well to be honest this blog doesn't really have a freakin point, or maybe it does, feelin like a little ventin' real quick.  Do you ever hate it when people keep saying ...
Posted by It's So Close You Can Taste It! ;-) on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 02:17:00 PST


Hey Everybody, Tonight is gonna be a wash party, apparently some peeps wanna take it back to the old school (Freshman/Sophomore year, oh ya!) and head out into the desert, so if you're interested, be...
Posted by It's So Close You Can Taste It! ;-) on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 10:48:00 PST

Join the Navy, I don't think so.....

Posted by It's So Close You Can Taste It! ;-) on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 12:15:00 PST


Hey Everyone, A quick message for ya'll, tonight is steak night at our house in the Ghetto... I mean the Pines lol, so if you wanna come, go get a steak from Fries (they are half off!), and some...
Posted by It's So Close You Can Taste It! ;-) on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 01:04:00 PST

Gotta Love Those Dos Gringos!

Hey Guys, To all of you that have never heard that halarious group called the Dos Gringos, go back to my main page and listen to the "I'm a Pilot" song, definitely halarious!!  Also click on the...
Posted by It's So Close You Can Taste It! ;-) on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 02:47:00 PST