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About Me

Soooooo everything changed.. I have left my life in Hull behind for the time being and moved up to the very cold and snowy scottish highlands. First impressions are pretty good, I have a view of the mountains and chromerty firth from my window, im very close the best skiing and snowboarding place in the uk and im out of the city and can relax before i have to actualy make something of my life :) about me - i kinda dont use this to advertise myself :) so if your on here its probably coz u know me so I shall skip the statistics. If anyone wants to come up here to hang out and stay for a while, go snowboarding or exploring they are quite welcome to stay with me. Inverness is the biggest city near me and its a pretty decent place for going out drinking, having a laugh ect... am planning on going on some more adventures around the globe this year so again if anyone wants to tag along let me know :)
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone cool, down to earth and likes to have a good time




What would we do without music!!!! Ani Difranco, The reputation, jet, nick drake, 4 non blondes,tori amos, alanis morisette, the kooks,maximo park, snow patrol, feeder, greenday, r.e.m, geaorge strait, tom waites, antony and johnsons, coldplay, my chemical romance, james blunt, primal scream, acdc, boston, queen, misfits, slayer, rage against the machine, arctic monkeys, the killers, silver chair, iron maiden, guns and roses, radiohead, keane, stereophonics, so many more bands i like that cant think of right now, i also love live music and go see countless bands play.


The Big Labowski - Recut
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ghostbusters, big labowski, eurotrip( just for that bit wiere david hasselhoff makes a dick of himself), topgun, cocktail, pulp fiction,league of their own, the goonies. Films i like now - wedding crashers,swiss family robinson, freee willy, moonwalker, caddyshack,eragon,something about mary, dead mans chest, superman, clockwork orange, rocky films, rambo films, armaggedon, starsky and hutch, and most owen wilson, ben stiller, tom hanks, dan akroid films


The Office BBC Episode 4 Training Song
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friends, scrubs, everybody loves raymond, seinfeld, king of queens, fraiser documentries, biographies, things about whales, music channels, sports sports sports. the office, extras, fast show, pheonix nights, max and paddy, little britain, vic and bob


lord of the rings, the hobbit, eragon, eldest, the northern lights, the da vinci code, angels and deamons, the subtle knife, the amber spyglass, memoires of a geisha, pride and predjuice, the magicians guild, the novice, the high lord, the harry potter books,priestess of the white, sabriel, lireal, abhorson


trudi canavan ( writer ), Professor tolkein. and of course my family.