I l0ve hanging 0n the net specially when free time...i Like it rather tha watching film....kn0w why??bc0z in the net i learn m0re and i gain friends!
Actually i like t0 meet different type 0f pers0n, but pers0nally i like t0 meet s0me0ne that can c0me al0ng with me...s0me0ne sweet, caring, l0ving and m0st imp0rtantly true t0 himself!!!!
Music...well it depends...0f c0rs in my m0od..But m0st 0f the time i listen t0 RnB,little t0uch of p0p, and im deeply in l0ve with sentimental s0ng/l0ve s0ngs...=)
As i have said earlier i'm n0t f0nd 0f watching films...but the m0st wanted film f0r me is...Finding Nem0!!!!funny huh!
I l0ve watching charmed, fear fact0r, mtv asia n even myx!!But m0st 0f all i L0ve watching CSI!!!!!!
nahnahanh!!!n0t at all!!
hmmmm....lets c...???