Senior cut day:MAY 2ND.
"I don't think it's meant to be. But she loves her work more than she does me. And honestly, at twenty-three
I would probably love my work more than I did she.
So WE, ain't we. It's ME, and HER.
'Cause what she prefers over me, is work
And that's, where we differ. So I have to give her
Freetime even if it hurts.So breathe, mami, it's deserved. You've been put on this earth to be
All you can be, like the reserves.
And me? My time in the army, it's served.
So I have to allow she, her, time to serve.
The time's now for her.In time she'll mature.
And maybe we, can be we again like we were.
Finally, my time's too short to share. And to ask her now, it ain't fair. So yeah, she lost one."
STONER COLLECTION. the funnies, the lovey doveys, the documentaries, the mafia shit, those scary foreign thangs, cartoons! and whatever else is clever.
Saints & Salums
the highschoolers
and all the little people in the world.
.. i love you all. ahah