I have an insatiable fascination with people of the past, like Nickola Tesla, inventor of the Tesla tube, the reason visual screens like the tv exist, and the record holder for the past 100+ years for the worlds largest man-made lightning bolt, using his Tesla Coil. Used in covered up BS projects no one believes are real anymore, like the Philadelphia project. Teleforce is the best invention of his though. Goggle can tell you why.
I could ramble on for hours and hours, but I wont. I'm told I can be terribly boring.
Jis forJoyful
Ais forAltruistic
Mis forModern
Eis forEnergetic
Sis forSuccessful
is for
Mis forMushy
Ais forActive
Tis forTrustworthy
Tis forTempting
His forHardworking
Eis forEnergetic
Wis forWild
is for
His forHumorous
Ois forOutrageous
Fis forFlirtatious
Fis forFlavorful
Mis forMagical
Ais forArticulate
Nis forNerdy
What Does Your Name Mean?
Anyone who can build me towards my goals.
Upbeat tunes are where its at.
Cake is the greatest band ever, and from then on my music tastes just get heavier, faster, and more Satanic.
Kung Fu Hustle, Fight Club, Howl's moving Castle and The Princess Bride are the greatest movies ever concieved. If you are of other opinion, don't bother saying so. I won't agree.
I'm a gigantic Narutard, and I love Bleach quite alot as well.
As for other television shows I can't say much, without cable I've lost interest in the existance.
So I was walken down the street and this black guy tells me he hasn't had a bite in 2 weeks, so i tie him to a tree and whip the fuck out of him.
And then there were none, AKA 10 little Indians, AKA 10 little niggers, by Agatha Cristie. Best. Book. Ever.
Well...The Princess Bride holds a close close second. Very close.
Nicola Tesla. Alexander the Great. Rasputin of Russia. Timour the Lame. Atilla the Hun. Ramses II. Andrew Carnegie. Aleister Crowley. Vincent Crowley (singer for Acheron).