Hello, the names Madeleine,(Don't like it much, and you're only allowed to call me by it if you have permission; (Instead people call me Maddie, or Mads. I have a lot of hobbies and interests (Which are listed in the “General†section of my profile)
I consider myself to be a fairly easy going person (at times), but then again I can be fairly difficult sometimes. I can also be (at times, when it’s necessary) rude, selfish, apathetic, mean, bitchy, misanthropic, negative, miserable. On another (somewhat more positive note) I’m a very nice person, understanding, caring, funny, helpful, easy to talk to, and have a one of a kind sense of humor, and a friendly disposition. Most of the time, (if not all the time) I’m usually sarcastic.
HERE is a list of people I do not have any wish to talk to: People who are: slutty, whore-ish, bitchy, mean, rude, evil, pathetic, try-hards, posers, insulting, hurtful, racist, discriminating, incriminating, people who constantly make people’s lives nightmares. AND I DO NOT talk to people who lie, so if you're one of those people GO AWAY. And I don't talk to people who are FAKE, or pretend to be something they’re not, because pretending to be something you’re not is just sad and childish.
I love talking to everyone, learning new things from people, and people who have similar interests to me. People who are kind, funny, eccentric, sincere, and HONEST, are the ones I enjoy talking to most. If you’re anything but that, don’t bother trying to add me to the page, or talking to me, cause I probably wont talk to you. If you’re some egotistical/elitist moron who thinks they’re better than everyone else, GO AWAY. You’re just the same as everyone else.
I can’t stand people who constantly brag about their material possessions, or their achievements, and who are overly obstinate/arrogant/selfish/up-themselves boastful pricks. Bragging get’s you no where, so stop it, it’s lame.
I'm an atheist and I'm proud of that fact, I think people should always question beliefs, ask questions, and make up their own mind about things, instead of believing all the hearsay, and not doing things because everyone else seems to be doing it. No harm ever came from asking questions.
I'm annoyed by people who are too serious in their lives, they need to learn to relax and enjoy life, and not be so serious all the time, and enjoy themselves. Also people who don't laugh, or have a sense of humor, people with no sense of humor are boring. "Life is far too important a thing to talk seriously about- Oscar Wilde"
Say what you want to say, because you want to say it, don’t ever say anything you don’t mean, just because the other person wants to hear it, because that’s untruthful and dishonest and I have no use for people who lie to me. Also, I value honesty and truthfulness from people, if anyone ever deliberately led me on…they’re just sad and insecure individuals and again, I have no use for people who do that.
"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?" —"Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science"
"Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. ... If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. ... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?"-(Epicurus, as quoted in 2000 Years of Disbelief)"
"Religion is based, I think, primarily and mainly upon fear. It is partly the terror of the unknown, and partly as I have said, the wish to feel that you have a kind of elder brother who will stand by you in all your troubles and disputes. Fear is the basis of the whole thing- fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion has gone hand-in-hand. It is because fear is at the basis of those two things. A good world needs knowledge, kindliness, and courage; It does not need a regretful hankering after the past, or a fettering of the free intelligence by the words uttered long ago by ignorant men. It needs a fearless outlook and a free intelligence. It needs hope for the future, not looking back all the time, towards a past that is dead which we trust will be far surpassed by the future that our intelligence can create."—Bertrand Russell, Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects
"There is no logical impossibility in the hypothesis that the world sprang into being five minutes ago, exactly as it then was, with a population that "remembered" a wholly unreal past. There is no logically necessary connection between events at different times; therefore nothing that is happening now or will happen in the future can disprove the hypothesis that the world began five minutes ago.—Bertrand Russell, The Analysis of Mind, 1921, pp. 159–60; cf. Philosophy, Norton, 1927, p. 7, where Russell acknowledges Gosse's paternity of this anti-evolutionary argument."
"God either wants to eliminate bad things and cannot, or can but does not want to, or neither wishes to nor can, or both wants to and can. If he wants to and cannot, he is weak -- and this does not apply to god. If he can but does not want to, then he is spiteful -- which is equally foreign to god's nature. If he neither wants to nor can, he is both weak and spiteful and so not a god. If he wants to and can, which is the only thing fitting for a god, where then do bad things come from? Or why does he not eliminate them?"-Epicurus (from "The Epicurus Reader", translated and edited by Brad Inwood and L.P. Gerson, Hackett Publishing, 1994, p. 97)
"The act of procreation and anything that has any relation to it is so disgusting that human beings would soon die out if there were no pretty faces and sensuous dispositions" Leonardo Da Vinci.
"If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense. If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time."-Bertrand Russell 'Russell's Teapot'
"Faith in your partner, your fellow men, your friends, is very important, because without it there's no mutual component to your relationship, and relationships are important. So faith plays an important role, but faith in people you don't know, faith in religious or political leaders or even people on stages, people who are popular in the public eye, you shouldn't have faith in those people. You should listen to what they have to say and use it.– Greg Graffin"
Name: Mads
Birthday: 15th June 1987
Birthplace: Perth, WA
Current Location: Adelaide, SA *Unfortunately*
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: brown
Height: 170cm *thereabouts*
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Handed
Your Heritage: English/German
The Shoes You Wore Today: =D My knee-highs
Your Weakness: Beautiful people, Food, Chocolate
Your Fears: Being alone, being cheated, bugs, deep water, heights, people.
Your Perfect Pizza: Margherita =D, or just cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Find out who my true friends are. Also. Get a job, travel
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: ohh too many
Thoughts First Waking Up: What time is it??
Your Best Physical Feature: My eyes i guess, oh & my hair
Your Bedtime: whenever
Your Most Missed Memory: Don't know
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: Maccas
Single or Group Dates: Single ;)
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Ew.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Neither
Do you Smoke: NEVER
Do you Swear: Most of....If not all of the time
Do you Sing: Badly
Do you Shower Daily: Yes
Have you Been in Love: Nope
Do you want to go to College: One day
Do you want to get Married: One day
Do you belive in yourself: Yes
Do you get Motion Sickness: Yes
Do you think you are Attractive: Yeah
Are you a Health Freak: Far from it
Do you get along with your Parents: Nope
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love them
Do you play an Instrument: No
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: No
In the past month have you Smoked: No
In the past month have you been on Drugs: No
In the past month have you gone on a Date: No
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: No
In the past month have you been on Stage: No
In the past month have you been Dumped: No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: It's on the list
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No
Ever been Drunk: No
Ever been called a Tease: Yeah
Ever been Beaten up: Yeah
Ever Shoplifted: Nope
How do you want to Die: Simple. I don't.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Not sure.
What country would you most like to Visit: Some part's of the U.S *the interesting places*, Hawaii, China, Japan, Egypt, Sth Korea, Russia
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Not fussed
Favourite Hair Color: Brown, blond
Short or Long Hair: medium-ish
Height: tall-ish
Weight: healthy weight
Best Clothing Style: not fussed
Number of Drugs I have taken: none
Number of CDs I own: none
Number of Piercings: none
Number of Tattoos: none
Number of things in my Past I Regret: none...well maybe 1.
You scored as Utilitarianism, Your life is guided by the principles of Utilitarianism: You seek the greatest good for the greatest number.
“The said truth is that it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong.â€
--Jeremy Bentham
“Whenever the general disposition of the people is such, that each individual regards those only of his interests which are selfish, and does not dwell on, or concern himself for, his share of the general interest, in such a state of things, good government is impossible.â€
--John Stuart Mill
More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...
Justice (Fairness)
Strong Egoism
Divine Command
What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
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Your True Love Is a Pisces
Why you'll love a Pisces:
Selfless and intuitive, you are perfect for a Pisces that lives to love you.
You're sensitive enough to appreciate and explore the deep emotions of a Pisces.
Why a Pisces will love you:
You're generous and totally giving in relationships, something Pisces demands.
You are also dreamy enough to get lost in fantasy with Pisces, but realistic enough to stay grounded. What Sign Is Your True Love?
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence
You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.
You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?
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