I like to play pool, but I’m not very good at it. I like to watch my brother bartend, but he’s not very good at it. Those are pretty much the only two things I did last summer besides making “Orville salads†and feeding the over-privileged as they snarled at me from behind their burgundy cloth napkins.
I’m much more interested in the under-privileged, which is probably why I majored in anthropology. But believe it or not, that doesn’t involve digging up dinosaur bones… that would be an archaeologist, and every time you ask me that question you just look like an idiot. Anyway after I get rich off my first riveting ethnography about the socio-political implications of customer/waitress exchange in the restaurant business, I’ll probably go out and try to change the world or something.
I spent last semester in Paris where I stayed with a host family for five months, and we didn’t like each other much until the very last week. I’m okay with that because they made for good comedic fodder in my e-mails home, adding lots of fuel to the fire of rage I already felt toward French people in general. While I was there I went to the Eiffel Tower about 8000 times, won a shirt off the back of a drunken Irishman, and ate a lot of disgusting things, but I didn’t throw up once! I guess you could say my life there was pretty meaningless overall, and I hope to one day repeat that experience.
Also, I like to take bad pictures of good people. You can see them HERE !!!
UPDATE: I graduated! And I miss my friends.