Myspace Layouts at / Blue Swirly - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts at / Blue Swirly - Image Hosting
I enjoy Mtn Biking, reading, travel, movies, and hanging by the pool with friends; great conversation and good food.
New friends, old friends, and in general people who are willing to be aware of the contribution they make through their choices, words, and thoughts.
Just about anything...don't really get RAP but the beat is great in some of it.
Eurotrip, Office Space, Transporter, The Italian Job, Blade Trilogy, Pretty Woman...
CSI...the original...can't get enough of it. Reruns of M.A.S.H. and Seinfeld; Just about anything on Discovery Channel, The Science Channel, HGTV and DIY.
David Baldacci is my favorite author. I also like reading books on investing, business management, and the Law of Attraction.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull