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I am here for Friends and Networking

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enzo aka j..


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Age: 21
Hometown: Miami, FL
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Hey what's up? I'm Chloe... If you have good stories/jokes to tell, please apply. A sense of humor is a must.... if you can't can't be my friend. That sounds a little harsh, but I can't be around someone who's serious 100% of the time. That would drive me nuts.
Well, I am a freedom-LOVING, strong, independent, outgoing, ambitious type of woman who loves a good laugh and to make YOU laugh somewhere in-between...I can pretty much make or break your day, because to know me is to love me. I have the joy of the Lord in my heart so not much can bring me down for too long, I roll with the punches and strive to be as good as I can be. Gotta do right by people is my motto, because what you dislike in another you must take the time to correct in yourself. I would consider myself a very complex individual with inspiration unique to each turning day and basically a "Jane" of all trades. I love to explore new things and get bored very easily. If I feel something is worth it and proven, I will pursue/fight (whichever comes first...) for it to the end. When you get to know me, I will shock you with how I appear as opposed to what I actually say. Words are like artistry to me, and to use them correctly, is to paint a picture and sing a song in a harmonious key. I JUST CAN'T BE FOOLED!!!

Sorry...So when I give YOU advice, you will truly see a world of difference...Whoa! Back to reality, I am a fashion freak, Top Model is just the beginning for me, I mean for all those out there in retail I have felt your pain and would like to say that you just know a lil bit more of the real work behind the industry than just a mere model does. GO HEAD!!! But really, I LOVE men and feel that ladies, ain't nothin like a gorgeous male specimen to rock your world...mmm, mmm, mmm, lovin it. So if ANYONE out there can show me a TRULY good man, I truly will show you the reason why I was created. When it comes to those close to me I like to enjoy my freedom just as much as I would imagine they do, but am the type to "put it dah-own like a bod oss Rasta-far-i" once ish starts to get heavy...I've been what you call a lil ball of fire, a fire-cracker, shoot, hot tamale...oww! But one thing about me that must be known is, I can't be stopped. Bein' too much is just the beginning of how I roll...

Types of people I cannot stand are liars and people who flake all the time. Don't lie to my face, don't talk trash behind my back. Don't talk bad about me or my friends. I also hate it when people need alcohol or drugs ALL THE TIME to have fun. I don't mind it, but when you're life revolves around it, that's just not cool.

Music? From Social D to johnny cash and elvis, the screamo stuff, the emo stuff, the mosh and break a bone to head bangin metal stuff, the gangsta woop woop nigga stuff, the honky tonk, the smoke that ganja reggae stuff.... I am quite picky with my music yet love most of it . dont TEST me in this category. ill kill you.


My Blog


FIRST OF ALL IF YOU ARE NOT AN ANIMAL LOVER YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RELATE TO THIS BLOG... JUST FOREWARNING YOU.... December 6, 2004, was the saddest day of my life.... I had to put my baby, my bu...
Posted by Chloe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Hi Everyone... I had the best time... so much fun, lots & lots of shopping, clubbing, bar hopping & of course eating for daze..... Can't wait til 2007 for the next.... It was so nice to conne...
Posted by Chloe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'll have to get back to this one.. this requires some thought....
Posted by Chloe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST