Scott-a-lot profile picture


I'm sorry i have to say it but you look like your sad, your smile is gone, i noticed it bad. The cur

About Me

guten tag, du bi stuhl? my names scott, you may also call me scott a lot, scooter mcgavin, scud, the green power ranger if it flaots ur boat and even Yugi boy if ur into than kinda thing. I enjoy holesome activities as much as the next boy, romantic beachwalks, unicorns, whinging and sally r just some of my favourate things, im also highly injury prone and tend 2 whinge alot and over use the words like and totally, il tend to inapropriatly burst into song or say sumthing stupid when i should really be quiet. Like i totally have this great girl in my life named sal or sally if u, like I prefer to use as many sylables as possible, she is so lovely, i cant go on enough about her so il stop, every1 else is pretty cool 2 lol, much love 2 u peoples, i'l seeya around the carasoul sum time :) au revoir xoxo

My Interests

i like music, but not just all music, specific music, but that can be found in my music section so il let you see that, Sally is glorious mwah love you :D, Sal ur the diggity in the bom(yes im aware im white and sound like a tool), Sport, Music, socialising, shopping, dancing, singing, learning guitar good and stuff, surfing, cuddles awww lol, hugskies, smoochy smoochy, huddles and other holesome activities

I'd like to meet:

a large talking hermit crab that will continue 2 lead me 2 the largest cliff on the south coast where i shall meet a friendly hob goblin who will distract the devious leprachaun whilst i collect the pot of gold muwahhaha

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What O.C. Character are you most like?

You can be very sarcastic but you're loved by the people who matter. You know just what to say to cheer up you friends.
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in no particular order and not including bands that i forgot 2 put down: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, The Killers, muse, 30 seconds to mars, Eskimo Joe, angels and airwaves, the all american rejects, Chili Peppers, fall out boy, the arctic monkeys, snow patrol, hiltop hoods, Greenday, Goo Goo dolls, Foo fighters, Blink 182, Evermore, Sum 41, the living end, jet, missy higgins, panic at the disco, my chemical romance, oasis, the used, jack johnson, pete murray, U2, jimmy eat world, box car racer, anberlin, powder finger, thirsty merc, little birdy, silverchair, +44 and many many more


anchor man, zoolander, american beauty, donnie darko, lord of the rings, endless summer 2, 10 things i hate about you, romeo + juliet and many many more


dont watch much these days berts family feud woot, spicks and specks, chasers and my favourate scrubs




The little man out there, going undetected and unrecognised making a real difference, however that may be, heres 2 you friend "i really admire sting, i dont really listen 2 his music, but the things he has achieved, u have 2 respect that"
a href=" -graphics?a=cat&cat=Pon and Zi" TITLE="Pon and Zi"

My Blog

as seen in bulletin form but back due 2 popular demand (i.e 1 person liked it(potentionally me)

If u already read this in bulletin form i apologise please have free face moisturiser! Yes this competition does end on tuesday the 1st of May (i.e 2moro) (i.e no1 is actually gonna do this) but if u ...
Posted by Scott-a-lot on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 09:34:00 PST

make poverty history

omg wat an amazing concert! on a lovely day we were graced by the tallents of, bono, the edge and pearl jam, evermore, eskimo joe, hilltop hoods, jet i wanna give a massive thankyou 2 brittany who got...
Posted by Scott-a-lot on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 10:05:00 PST

rules of the establishment

Note 2 all users especially u bill lol, advertising is now prohibited on my space lol, Scott doesnt advertise lol Plus all users r required 2 kiss scotts magical ring lol
Posted by Scott-a-lot on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 02:18:00 PST

during sex

here's the rules - Add your name to the bottom along with the song that you're listening to right now or the last song you listened to, followed by "during sex"Pass this bulletin along as long as you ...
Posted by Scott-a-lot on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 07:00:00 PST