elaine profile picture


Live Life While your still Alive!

About Me

me? i'm the lady who drives a white multi-cab every day to school and it's becoming a barkada car. im a mixture of serious, jamming, and funny all in one package..! i like to listen to music, and hang out with friends. passionate in dancing (and still practice dancing even if we'll be having major exams tom.) i often times doodle on any paper whenever i'm bored and i love sports soccer,soccer- baseball,volleyball etc.)

My Interests

hot tea, bread, swimming,dancing, TV, skimming, photography, party planning, cooking, crafts, fashion

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet some new faces who i hope will become my friends.., also i'd like to stay in touch with my cousins and friends abroad!


freaky friday soundtracks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, r&b, love songs, alternative, chill out, hip-hop


helen of troy (i love greek mythology), last samurai, samurai x,


sex&the city, discovery channel, reality based shows, who's line is it?, mtv, myx (nalang, 'coz sometimes bati ang mtv), lifestyle network (cute man ang mga clothes)


heroes?.... wierd question...., anyway my parents!!