alternative energy, ancient history, architecture, b-movies, b/w photography, bdsm, bellydancing, bisexuality, camping, co-ops, cob, cohousing, comedy, comic strips, communal living, comparative religion, crete, dream interpretation, drumming, earth religions, ecovillages, eddie izzard, ethical hedonism, erotic art, esperanto, femdom, fiber arts, foreign languages, gaming, gardening, gender roles, geodesic domes, gloves, goddesses, gospel music, greenbuilding, healing, herbal medicine, hiking, intentional communities, internet oracle, long hair, massage, meadmaking, meditation, midori, moonlight, movie quotes, movies, mst3k, mythology, natural building, natural health, nude photography, old houses, organic food, organic gardening, permaculture, polyfidelity, preventive medicine, religious poetry, renewable energy, road trips, romanian language, rpg's, rumi, russian language, sacred prostitution, sacred sex, sci-fi, sex magick, sex-positive thinking, sign language, stand up comedy, stargazing, strawbale, sustainable development, sustainable living, tantra, tattoos, teaching, tex-mex, thunderstorms, tie-dye, trance dance, travel, vampire movies, vegetarianism, vineyards, voudoun, vw's, weaving, wicca, wine, winemaking, women, writing, yoga, zen
I'm open to meeting people who share interests, have a worthwhile thought in need of a sounding board, have something funny to pass on. Dating...I'll consider it. I've been kind of a hermit for the last few years, and while it was peaceful and quiet, it hasn't really gotten me anywhere positive I'd like to go. (If only courtesans were legal, *sigh*.) Reasonable intellect, an interest in self-knowledge, a goofy sense of humor, a spine, a generally positive outlook, and more than a passing acquaintance with soap and a toothbrush isn't a bad start. Speaking a foreign language, though, especially Russian or Romanian, can make up for a world of sins - I've got the Jaime Lee Curtis in Fish Called Wanda thing going pretty bad. Gaming geeks with lives are hereby incorrigibly encouraged.
If it's not cry-in-yer-beer country or monotonous yoyoyo rap, I probably own some of it. The current collection on the MP3 player includes everything from the Blade Runner soundtrack to MM to 80's dance mixes to old Stevie Wonder. I don't choose my music to impress anyone - I listen to what I damn well feel like at the time.
The first 10 DVD's that my eye can spot: Secretary, Eddie Izzard: Definite Article, X2, O Brother Where Art Thou, John Carpenter's Vampires, Chronicles of Riddick, SpiderMan 2, Office Space, Conan the Barbarian, Margaret Cho: I'm the One That I Want.
I don't own one. I don't want one. I have a 21" monitor, a computer with a number of MST3K, Family Guy, Dr Who and Battlestar Galactica episodes, plus DVD's, and that's plenty.
Mostly comic book anthologies. Hardly deep in the traditional sense, but fuck it - I like to laugh more than most anything. Oh certainly I own some Osho, Rumi, varying Wiccan and Zen Buddhist texts, besides a fair collection of V:tM sourcebooks, but I challenge anyone to come up with something more profound than an honest belly laugh. I think only silence comes close.
Jim Henson, for not being perfect but doing his best to live his life as well as humanly possible. Joseph Campbell, may he be surrounded by many babes in heaven. Sojourner Truth, for standing up for unpopular truths. I'll add to this as others come to mind, but I'm not much for identifying myself via philosophers or gurus. I may admire people for their thoughts and ideas, but they don't need to be famous for that...I get equally profound truths out of children and people I've sat next to on the bus.