sEE us laugh... sEE us play... ... have you sEEn thEsE boys?
*drum and bass *irene *kings of convenience *placebo *bloc party *the used *metric *bullet *panic! *old school no doubt *manson *the cure *prince *the beach boys *hollywood undead *deadsy *orgy *deftones *bowie *smashing pumpkins *radiohead *afi *(hed)pe *nin *apc *sublime *peaches *the pixies *the postal service *weezer *op. ivy *nofx *silverstein *interpol *she wants revenge *squirrel nut zippers *fischer spooner *sparta *sneeker pimps *portishead *fiona apple and so on and so on...
*blow *hedwig *edward scissorhands *fight club *requium for a dream *the labarinth *romeo and juliet *elf *girl interrupted *eternal sunshine of the spotless mind *spun *the notebook *the secretary *charlie & the chocolate factory *the nightmare before christmas *anchor man...
im trying to quit... *the food network *mad tv *sex and the city