Glen profile picture


I'm off like a prom dress

About Me

Ya so I guess Im here to meet new people, and to chat with friends. What else... oh ya friends are important to me so if yall wanna be my friend ya gotta step up! People who piss me off: People who are too in to them selves, Liars, i hate liers. Theres nothin worse than knowing a two faced person who will say they like youe and then talk shit behined your back. I've had too many of those experiences. By the way i love to go shopping, swimming and i love to eat out (as in food). i also like to see movies, whether its with a date or with friends. so if you like any of these things i love ya already.Um... ya thats about it. I am a nice person and i get along with mostly everyone. You gatta do alot to piss me off before i hate you... Hala' back pepes
You have sunrise eyes. Sunrise is the color of joy and elation. Your eyes symbolize your general sense of wellness. Your confidence and high self-esteem each and every day make you the person people want to be around. You are a very creative, passionate, and sexual person. You are not afraid to tell people what you think of them, whether good or bad. Some words to describe you: self-assuredness, out-going, busy, cheerful, bright, amiability, courage, successful, creative, personable, happiness, motivational, optimistic, strong, and aware
My life is rated R.
What is your life rated? Take the quiz: [url=]Your Sex Skills (Guys)[/url][b]Singer[/b] you sometime focuse more on your own pleasure than on your partner's. But the good news is you aim to please so you take naughty requests and lean quickly. Give you simple instructions and you'll perform up to task.YOUR IDEAL BED MATE Take the quiz: [url=]Your Ideal Bedmate[/url][b]Mostly A[/b] You want a partner who's sensual and likes sweet and simple sex. You crave intimate love. Take the quiz: "//WHat seXuaL pOsItIon ARe You((((PICTURES))))"

(((OH HELL YEAH...LiKe adAM aNd eVE...NEvEr gEts OLd aNd iTs veRy SatIsfYiNg)))Take the quiz: "Can U Suck Dick? (PICTURES!!) 18 plus"

Dang boy, too much dick isn't enough huh?
You're tha queen of dick suckin, you kno how to pleasure men maybe ur jus a natural or u jus had too many experiences. dont matter, guys love stickin their dicks in yo mouth. Penises are your friend and kno how to treat them well hehe you know how to handle every size dick out there, huhTake the quiz: "WHAT DESIGNER SUNGLASSES ARE YOU????"

WOW you are fun, funky, and sexy! whoever said you werent had something seriously wrong with them!Take the quiz: "What clothing store are you?"

Abercrombie & Fitch
You cute and fashionable..your not afraid to splurge if it means you gonna look hott!

Part Romantic Kisser

For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet

Part Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable What Kind of Kisser Are You?[url= iz_id=275]Which Britney Spears are you?[/url] Take the quiz: "What laguna guy is right for you??"

Stephen is the guy for you! Stephen is romantic, charming, sweet, adorable, loving, funny, and the life of the party!!!.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which drunk are you?
You're college girl drunk
Spring break, brings back all those no-memories doesn't it?*Disclaimer : All characters depicted here are fictionnal and any resemblance to a real life situation is the fruit of hasard.

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --Take the quiz:
Which celebrity hottie are you?

Paris Hilton
You're stuck up and selfish. You're a true blonde!! You wear what's in, but only if it shows half your body... in other words.. YOU'RE HOTT!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
What kind of gay man are you? (Gay guys only, PICS)

You are the Horny Gay Man! You can't help but fuck everyone around you. You've been known to pass your cock around. You don't remember a single guys name, but call them by the month and day you fucked him. go get tested!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

Friends, Love,, Gymnastics, shopping doing hair THE GYM god i love the gym lol, and School.

I'd like to meet:

Jesse McCartney OMG! The Devil, who ever else. Just so you 've got a great personality.;) This layout is from; get yours today!
What Makes You Sexy? by dollface04
Physical Appearance Your Ass
Special Talents Having Sex

Quiz created with MemeGen !


The Notebook, 40 year old virgin, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Sahara, Mean girls, Troy, Hitch,


SUMMERLAND, Blow Out, Quere as Folk, Supernatural, and the bast for last, Will and Grace


I hate reading


My Mom, of course, Brad Pitt, Good Old Britney, Jennifer Aniston, and Opra!