music,doing the no pants dance, swimming,reading,long walks on the beach, yodeling,and jumping off high things
ummmmm probaly ur mom o and Samual L JAckson and of course Mike Bazaly aka Flea and of course danny glover
ask me
Top 5 movies this week 5.Feris Buelers Day Off 4.Cinderella Man 3.Both Ace Ventoras 2.Fast Times at Ridgemont High 1.Unbreakable
House,Always Sunny in Philidelphia,Simpsons and after watching 5 minutes of nip tuck nip tuck,Law and order SVU, so on and so on
books i am reading this week 1.A Wizard in glass
people who hate cops,my band,christine,Samual L Jackson, all the members of the chili peppers and Homer Simpson