CARRIE UNDERWOOD cause i love her ..she's soo beautiful and talented!
.. Before He Cheats
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Jet, the killers, fall out boy, red jumpsuit apparatus,yeah yeah yeahs, the pink spiders, Beck, death cab for cutie, trapt, red hot chilli pepers, hawthrone heights , matchbook romance, coldplay, hoobastank, my chemical romance, 30 seconds to mars, imogen heap, justin timberlake, daddy yankee, wisin y yandel, don omar, ivy queen,los vaqueros, lusi fonsi,aventura, nicky jam, rakin y ken-y, noelia, tito el bambiano , hector el bambino, baby rasta y gringo, thalia, volito,yomo,alexis y fido, luney tunes, carrie underwood, tim mcgraw, kenny cheseny, kenny rogers, gorge strait, jack johnson and others.
My dad cause he's my best friend.. fought for our country for 31years he's just an awsome and strong person to know. also everyone in the military.LAURA she has been through hell with me and we always have been there for me i love her to death there's nothin i wouldnt do for her..mikey.leah cause those two were always there when i needed them the most and stood by my side even if it wasnt the best decision.. and they never gave up on me.. and im just very grateful to have met them and had them in my life ... Mrs. hale cause she was like my second mom and i miss her dearly R.I.P. ... and of course my cheer coaches in B*town cause they always brought the good out in me and taught me no matter what i can do anything .. and i love them very much for everything!! Ohh yeah.. alvin,richie, sara, abz, abes,margarita, mel, em ..cause even when all that shit(drama)lol was going on in school .. yall stood by me and helpped me out you guys are like my 2nd fam. and i love yall very much... RIP Staff sgt Ivy & Goodwin also everyone else who fought for our country and died ..YOUR our heros and will never be forgotten!
Yellow Ribbon Greetings-Patriotic & Military greeting cards-2006
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