A N I N A profile picture



About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Beautiful things, people, places and music

Photography, maps, email, spaceships and physics

Sports, board games, parkour and rollercoasters

My homegirls and boys, my fantastic elastic MAN and my family

Architecture, gourmet cooking and eatting

Rain, snow, hail, lightening, seafoam, forests , volcanos, canyons, caves, glaciers, and islands

Books, comfortable corners, cats, blankets and sewing

Festivals, dancing, colors and clothing

Flying, Freedom, Choices, Limitlessness

Money, school, learning, and drawing with fine tipped pens

I'd like to meet:

The world's explorers young and old.

Join us all you nature lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, health nuts, soul seekers, friends and adventurers. We are taking a hike, a flight, a dive, a sail through the most fascinating and remote places in the Americas. It would be even better if you were there too! Your spirit deserves the recharging experience it's so hungry for.

If you want to fill your lungs and heart with magic, or to find out what I'm talking about, visit us at WWW.BLACKBEAREXPLORERS.COM

My personal email address: [email protected]

Fellow adventurers


Reasons that I love the mother country (Switzerland):

Land so warped by geology pushing and grinding, the slow love making of the earth

Humans.. flying... you can see them on any given fair weathered day

There are elves in the forests, glacier-fed lakes and so much magic everywhere!

Ancient histories carved into the land, and smiling wildflowers to bring us back to the Now.

My Blog

the matrix

Yesterday was the first day it felt like summer. April 3rd. I like that about Texas. We really don't have to huddle in the cold, rhetorically asking our friends "When is it going to get warm?" In...
Posted by A N I N A on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 09:08:00 PST

trivia hungry?

01. YOU HAVE 10 BUCKS AND NEED TO BUY SNACKS AT A GAS STATION. WHAT DO YOU GET?Vita water and a big styrofoam cup fulla ice.Watermellon Bubblicious.Fritos, yum. A banana.02. IF YOU WERE REINCARNATED A...
Posted by A N I N A on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 12:29:00 PST


Well, my latest story struck a sore sort of chord amongst my audience and so it's been a while. I hope that explains it. I hope you know I am writing now specifically to leave a strawberry-like i...
Posted by A N I N A on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 10:32:00 PST