For years I lived with the loss of many things that I had valued highly: my health, my mobility, the ability to continue as a graduate student and the ability to hold a regular job.
After four and a half years of conventional treatments that did little or nothing to improve my condition, I decided that if I continued to follow the conventions dictated by the current medical model, I was unlikely to get well.
Eventually I was able to completely overcome my arthritic condition using the nine secrets I have detailed in a book called "Conquering Arthritis". Each method provided a lasting and dramatic improvement in my condition.
After years of having difficulty just walking from one room to another, I now walk many miles a week without difficulty and go on 30 to 50 mile bike rides for fun. I have regained full use of my hands and my hips. The pain and fatigue are gone.
In addition, my health has improved each of the last 8 years since I discovered these methods. I credit this to the fact that I have continued to use and refine the health-promoting measures that got me well, allowing my body to heal at deeper and deeper levels.
The program involves identifying delayed food hypersensitivities, which are the ones that cause arthritis. Then eliminating the problem foods (the list tends to be a little different for each person) for 6 months to 2 years while the body heals itself of the hypersensitivity reactions.
Also other measures to heal heal the digestive track, and exercise, meditation or another mind-body discipline to retrain the stress response, a healthy diet, specific foods and supplements to help the body heal, and bodywork to help release pain and disfunction held within the structure of the body.
Not everyone needs that much healing support, but arthritis is a difficult enough condition to reverse that many folks (me included) do need the whole program in order reverse and sometimes (like me)completely eliminate their arthritis.
I'm often asked what type of arthritis this program works for. As I mentioned above, I had reactive arthritis. So it works for that. Not many people have reactive arthritis, so I actually figured out how to heal myself by looking at what works for people with rheumatoid arthritis. And the program, not surprizingly works well for rheumatoid arthritis.
What has surprized me is that it has worked for many folks with osteoarthritis have too. Some forms of osteoarthritis at least have way more connection with diet and the immune system than anyone used to think.
And I keep getting reports back that it works for fibromyalgia. Everyone I've ever talked to who has sucessfully healed themselves of fibromyalgia has basically had to follow the program in the first half of my book, whether they got it from me or found out through trial and error (like I did) what works.
And here is the biggest surprize, the diet part also works for autism.
Several parents with autistic children have told me that the stuff I talk about in my book is exactly what gave them back their child.