Rest In Peace Dell Laptop |
My Dell Laptop has finally bit the big one, and has no screen and no audio. It is the Terry Schiavo of computers, and is hanging on by a string. Rather than pay to fix a machine that is over 2 years... Posted by Ani Kelevra on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 12:56:00 PST |
Its Blogtastic |
Okay. Time for another blog. I know that my sister will read this. I know Dana will read this since Dana reads all my blogs and provides some sort of in sight. I know Jamie will read this and ask ... Posted by Ani Kelevra on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 07:45:00 PST |
And so it begins yet again... |
As I find myself sitting in Powdermaker Hall's basement (you know it is where they keep all the teachers), I can't help but reflect on the Summer past, and the future.This is my final year. I swear i... Posted by Ani Kelevra on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 05:56:00 PST |
Have I ruined my life before it actually started? |
That's it. I've resorted to selling my video games to pay my debts.Sad, isn't it? I tried so hard to not make the same mistakes my parents did, and what happens? I make them. Credit Cards out the ... Posted by Ani Kelevra on Fri, 25 May 2007 01:16:00 PST |
Makes Me Wonder |
So I'm listening to Maroon 5's new song, "Makes Me Wonder" and I'm listening the first few times and enjoying the song (something I rarely do anymore). When for some reason, the 7th or 8th time, I he... Posted by Ani Kelevra on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 06:13:00 PST |
Control |
And so when the balance of power begins to shift, so shall the fabric that holds us together divide at the seams.That quote is an original one. I am sitting here and wondering if anything is my fault... Posted by Ani Kelevra on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 02:56:00 PST |
5 AM....I must be lonely (or How I learned to never ever sleep in my lifetime!) |
It's 5 AM, and it's time to party.I find that if I am conscious without any period of REM sleep, I enter a state of extreme giddyness, the kind you feel when you take a painkiller and your body goes n... Posted by Ani Kelevra on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 02:28:00 PST |
The Time Has Come.. |
Alright ladies and is time for another blog.I'm looking back on things, and the time has come to evaluate the situation and ask myself if it is worth dealing with all the politics. You nev... Posted by Ani Kelevra on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 01:25:00 PST |
I had a friend... |
Okay. 2:35 AM. I meant to write this two days ago, but I put it off, but I feel this will be the final mention of this ever.Before anyone questions whether or not I have the right to write this, let... Posted by Ani Kelevra on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 12:31:00 PST |
Here We Go Again |
3 in the afternoon, and I'm here writing a blog. Jesus. This fucking sucks.Back at the grind of serving frozen yogurt to mindless customers who have no respect for the people that serve them. Wha... Posted by Ani Kelevra on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 12:10:00 PST |