Living Life, reading, playing basketball, experiencing new things in life!
I'm into meeting people who are looking to be a positive influence on my life.
I like to meet people who have a passion for life or just a passion for SOME-thing. That's also one thing that I look for in a significant other. *Applications now accepted!* LOL..
I don't believe in coming here to live, work and live an average life...if you're going to live, you might as well live life to the fullest and if you're going to work, u may as well work in your CHOSEN profession and if you're going to think, u might as well think BIG!
I'm always looking to network with EVERYONE! I'm being convinced more each day that the world isn't really that big! So if you know someone who needs pictures or video done just let me know! Remember: I always help tho$e who help me!
We are all creative, but by the time we are three of four years old, someone has knocked the creativity out of us. Some people shut up the kids who start to tell stories. Kids dance in their cribs, but someone will insist they sit still. By the time the creative people are ten or twelve, they want to be like everyone else. -Maya Angelou
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Here's a video that me and my boy Karma edited for Tori.
Freaky Boys
add me to your top! [email protected] TELEVISION:Cinematic Productions: Your #1 Source for Videos!! Call for the "myspace" friends discount! :)
I really didn't have time to make this video fancy. It's just raw footage of a video shoot that THE DREAM was featured in. I shot this in the late part of MAY '08.
Video Demo from Cinematic Films on Vimeo .
The Secret
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A hero to me is anyone who does what they're supposed to do while they're here on earth. I don't believe in just coming here to live an average life. If you're going to live, u may as well life live to its fullest.Heroes surround us everyday. They may not be the person who drives that big fancy car, but it's the single father who's taking care of his kids. It's the single mother who is going back to school to make a better life for her's your parents who taught you right from wrong. It's the iconic figures like Jesus, like MLK, like Malcolm.I believe that it takes more courage to travel down the "path less travelled" than to do what the masses do. So look deep within and like Mariah Carey said, you'll find the hero within. I truly believe that.