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I know it's pretty damn weird to eat people.

About Me

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

I was born in Seoul, Korea and immigrated to the US as an infant. After a brief time on the West Coast, my father took a Government job and we moved out East, where I spent most of my youth in the suburbs of Washington DC. I attended public High School in Northern Virgiia, where I played a number of sports, the only one of which I was very good at was track. Despite my short stature, I was able to run with and around most of the tall trees, and I could bench press 300 pounds as a skinny track kid. I also went to College and got my MAsters in Graduate School in Virgina, taking a job witht he Government after Grad School and eventually moving to the private sector, where I went to work for a subsidiary of Enron in the New York Metropolitan area. I lived and worked up North from the winter of 99-2000 until the summer of 2005, specializing in the Deregulated Energy Business, where I spent time in Marketing, Operations, Sales, Portfolio Management and Pricing. While up NOrth, I spent a stint in Queens, Brooklyn and in Manhattan, which was just unspeakably awesome, as well as up in Stamford, CT. Lotta good times, but in the end, I moved back to Northern VA to help a friend with a start up that never really got off the ground. After that ship sailed, I bought a house out in Reston, whiel the market was still colasping around me and returned somewhat reluctantly to the Energy Buisness, which I admit, has treated me well over the years. I'm currently working for a Chicago based Fortune 100 firm, out of the Rosslyn office. When I'm not helping to make deals, my hobbies include re-reading all of the great books I cliff noted during school, playing with cars, working out, raising my pets, working on projects around the house and trying like hell to hold onto what's left of my youth.

My Interests

It's always tough to summarize the idiosyncrasies that make a person unique in a few sentences, but here goes. I'm into cars, I'm also into working out, sports, etc. On the "Feed my noodle" tip, I like to read, enjoy the theatre (both Broadway and the movies) like to travel and to sleep in, although I rarely get to do that. I used to play the guitar and to do a lot of writing as well. Hmm, I also like dating, although it hasn't been all that fruitful as of late. I should caveat that the whole career thing has basically cut into or cut away a lot of my recreational pursuits, as listed above.

I'd like to meet:

Man, we've all got our sob stories and I'm no different. Chances are, I'm just like you - happy with my life the way it is, but always on the lookout for that special someone who I can be with without too much drama for your momma. I'm pretty laid back, not possessive, jealous or arrogant. I don't really belive that good things neccessarily come to those who wait, but you can't always find opportunity, sometimes you have no choice but to let it find you. In the meantime, there's always Cars to wax, and Football to watch.
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Music Video Codes - MySpace LayoutsHard to put my finger on. I like rock groups like Fuel, Hobostank, Nickelback, Keane, Blink-182, Switchfoot, Puddle of Mud, Maroon 5, Lit, etc but I also like more enigmatic artists like Norah Jones, Cold Play & Linkin Park. I used to be a big fan of Hip Hop, but somehow I've kind of drifted away as I've gotten older. I also like most live music and have to come clean on the whole Broadway show tunes thing...


Typical guy stuff, from Scarface to Good Fellas, Heat, Braveheart, Gladiator, etc. I like Indie flicks from time to time and some foreign films, but I'm still a sucker for action flicks, especially with car chases, like the Bourne Identity, Gone in 60 seconds, F&F or the Italian Job.


Fox's 24 made a big splash with me during the first couple seasons and Family Guy is still a hoot. TNT's Monk has pretty damn funny for the last few seasons as well. NBC's The Office and Scrubs are strong and ER is still watchable. On cable, HBO's Entourage is at the top of it's game and ESPN's PTI is pretty good and pretty funny, regardless of how much you like sports. Oh, and I like House, Hugh Laurie is such a smart ass.


I don't update this profile enough to make this relevant, but I try to pick random paperbacks of the shelves from time to time, although my new job doesn't afford me much time for leisure reading.


Wolverine? He's short and cranky, like me. Also gotta soft spot for Marv, from Sin City. In the real world, I've become pretty disillusioned with my childhood sports heroes as of late. I suppose I admire anyone with fame, fortune and the sense to remain grounded, charitable and compassionate. Bill Gates, Angelina Jolie and anyone else who gives back.

My Blog

Business and displeasure

We had a pretty good week at the office.  Well, those of us who were actually there did, which was basically a skelaton crew, left to patch together one of our busiest sales week this year.&...
Posted by Ryan on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 02:45:00 PST

Trouble on my Tail

My poor Blog has been neglected.  I can't deny it, and I feel bad.  My blog has become one of my friends, my hobbies, my habits and my sources of therapy and creative expression, and while l...
Posted by Ryan on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:56:00 PST

A brief moment of self examination

It's after 1 AM on a Sunday night, heading into a long work week.  I should be sound asleep, whisked away to some tropical island, where life consists of umbrella drinks, a 24-hour buzz, a bottom...
Posted by Ryan on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:08:00 PST

My Blog ain't bottomless

There is a funny line from one of my favorite new shows, called "Flight of the Conchords" in which one of the main characters  a loser musician from New Zealand  breaks into a pseudo gangster rap vi...
Posted by Ryan on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 08:10:00 PST

The Way Back Machine

As I get older, I like those moments in the way back machine more and more.  I guess it's because as you get older, you accumulate a greater wealth of memories and of experiences to reflect back ...
Posted by Ryan on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 03:57:00 PST


Go see the new Pixar flick, Ratatooie.  It's yet another stellar home run from the can't miss gurus over there.  I'm amazed at how creative those guys are.  Oh, and Transformers wasn't ...
Posted by Ryan on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 09:11:00 PST

Line Cuts and aw shucks

I had a showdown with a jackass who cut me off in the line for the bus I take to get home from work every day.  He was a big fat Indian guy who apparently felt that the readily apparent 30 person...
Posted by Ryan on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 04:19:00 PST

Sequels Not Threequels

Just got back from a midnight showing of Fantastic Four 2, which seems in hindsight to have been a rather odd choice on my part.  This is especially true after being sadly disappointed by the las...
Posted by Ryan on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:32:00 PST

Not Quite like I planned

We implemented our new so-called "Automated" system this week, however, it has thus far been anything but automatic.  Apparently, after a month of being tested 6-ways from Sunday in a Development...
Posted by Ryan on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 08:02:00 PST

The wager that wasnt and my IR report

After a minimal amount of alcohol consumption (Especially for a Saturday Night) and a robust amount of sleep (4am to 1 PM), I rolled to the gym today, after a few hours of house cleaning.  It was...
Posted by Ryan on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:39:00 PST