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I was born in Seoul, Korea and immigrated to the US as an infant. After a brief time on the West Coast, my father took a Government job and we moved out East, where I spent most of my youth in the suburbs of Washington DC. I attended public High School in Northern Virgiia, where I played a number of sports, the only one of which I was very good at was track. Despite my short stature, I was able to run with and around most of the tall trees, and I could bench press 300 pounds as a skinny track kid. I also went to College and got my MAsters in Graduate School in Virgina, taking a job witht he Government after Grad School and eventually moving to the private sector, where I went to work for a subsidiary of Enron in the New York Metropolitan area. I lived and worked up North from the winter of 99-2000 until the summer of 2005, specializing in the Deregulated Energy Business, where I spent time in Marketing, Operations, Sales, Portfolio Management and Pricing. While up NOrth, I spent a stint in Queens, Brooklyn and in Manhattan, which was just unspeakably awesome, as well as up in Stamford, CT. Lotta good times, but in the end, I moved back to Northern VA to help a friend with a start up that never really got off the ground. After that ship sailed, I bought a house out in Reston, whiel the market was still colasping around me and returned somewhat reluctantly to the Energy Buisness, which I admit, has treated me well over the years. I'm currently working for a Chicago based Fortune 100 firm, out of the Rosslyn office. When I'm not helping to make deals, my hobbies include re-reading all of the great books I cliff noted during school, playing with cars, working out, raising my pets, working on projects around the house and trying like hell to hold onto what's left of my youth.