I love to write poetry.. here is the most recent poem that I wrote that got published:
I've Tried
I tried to tell you the truth
I tried to show you
I tried to explain
But, but you turned your back
Funny, I never knew the back you stab
could be your own
(c) Tobe Thomas
publ. The Sound of Poetry (2004)
"My heart will always be with the country that gave birth to me, but my future, I owe to the country that accepted me as who I am. Once a foreigner, but now, an equal."
Tobe Thomas
(c)14 Nov 2005
I've already met her..
Being in love means giving someone the power to hurt you, but trusting her not to.
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~The Innocent One
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Ps... It'd be great to meet someone who could make me laugh like this kid, who seems to have happiness covered.
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My favourite artist of ever: Boyz II Men
but i also like
Charlene Choi and Gillian Chung aka "Twins"
White Oleander
pollyanna (with keshia knight pulliam - aka rudy huxtable), Battle Royale.
Mean Girls
charmed, fresh prince, simpsons, boy meets world, king of queens
native son by richard wright. axemaker's gift by burke and ornstein
I REEALLY want these two books. ...pleeeeaasssseee....
.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
First things First
what's your name?: Oluwatoberu
open Google and type in your name and the word :
how old are you?: 22
when is your birthday?: 12 Nov
what did you do for your last birthday?: Talked all night to my woman
what will you do for your birthday this year?: Talk all night with my woman
what's your earliest memory?: playing with toy cars wit my momma when i was 2
where were you born?: lagos, nigeria
how many places have you lived since then?: 5
which was your favorite?: san francisco
do you have siblings?: yes
do you have pets?: no
what's the weather like today?: cold
what's your ideal weather condition?: hot
What's your Favorite ...
holiday: thanksgiving
job you've had: secretary for int'l students association (embry-riddle)
rollercoaster: drop zone (great america - san jose, ca)
soda: don't drink soda ..but probably fanta.. don't you wanna
place to get takeout: mongolian bar-b-q
pizza topping(s): sausage.. actually, every meat the restaurant has
animal: eagle
vacation spot: hawaii
gift you've received: love
childhood memory: sharing a room(and bed) with my brother when we were like 5
olympic sport: soccer (real football)
city: vienna, austria
brand of jeans: southpole
drink to get at a coffeeshop: orange juice...(i ain't a coffee person)
Describe a day you wish you could experience again: the day Tash and i saw each other for the first time in hawaii
what are the 3 most important things in your life?: God, my family, Tash
what are you doing for christmas break?: maybe back to Nigeria (finally)
what's the stupidest thing you did in 2005?: too many to count
if you could have one last meal, what would it be?: mongolian bar-b-q
if you could meet anyone famous who would it be?: nate, mike shawn, wanya (boyz ii men)
what's your favorite memory from elementary school?: being in mrs. christie's 4th grade. (she was the tougest teacher i've ever had, and i miss her so much)
junior high?: 3v3 basketball with all the other 5 boys in my class
high school?: all of my international trips (austria, hungary, slovakia, netherlands, italy, france, etc...)
college?: getting my private pilot's license while at embry-riddle in arizona (my first real taste of freedom)
if you could do anything tomorrow, what would you do?: give Tash a hug
who do you miss right now?: Tash
do you have a new year's resolution?: yes.... to never have another new year's resolution again. every day is a chance to make a newpositive change in my life
what's the most significant thing you accomplished in 2005?: i learned how to become my own financial manager, and now i know what i need to do in order to provide for my family, that we will never want for anything (thru Jesus Christ)
A few more Favorites...
cookie: chocolate chip
icecream: vanilla... ok ok.. sweet cream
coffeeshop: ?
restaurant: benihana
person: tash
cereal: frosted flakes .. if you know me, then u don't have to ask
piece of jewelry: wedding ring
month: november-- of course, but i also love july
book: Native Son, by Richard Wright
magazine: AOPA, Flying, Success From Home
comfort food: frosted flakes
place to relax: cuddled up with Tash... ANYWHERE
holiday tradition: nigerian food... EVERYWHERE!!!!
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
Bessie Coleman (the first ever licensed black female pilot)
Dr. Mae Jemison (the first ever black female astronaut)
GO SUPER EAGLES ! ! ! ! ! !