*Ms. Urban Conservative * profile picture

*Ms. Urban Conservative *

IM A...

About Me

Recent graduate doing her thing. BBA in Finance so you know I'm corporate, or rather urban conservative. Big Latino advocate and support those who are adding postive value to the community. If thats you holla at me. Always down for an intellectual convo. In addition, I'm a promoter for Epix Ent. We doin it big. You can find me every Friday @ Via 21st btwn. 5th and 6th Avenues. Mention Victoria at the door for exclusive treatment. FYI...Grown & sexy only. Come correct or dont come at all.Layout made by this vanity I'm breaking

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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

People who understand the rules of life and play the game to win not convert. People who can stay focused while adapting, but never forgetting their roots. People who can appreciate what they have before its gone. People with passion, dreams, goals, and a blue print to accomplising milestones. People who speak the truth without a selfish thought in mind. People who fight for those rare things worth fighting for. People who think they know everything until their taught they atually dont know shit. People who are mature, but know growing never stops. People who bring knowledge to the table not balony chit chatter. People who face challenges not run from them. People who dont hide behind the hype. People who take contructive criticism and flip it to better themsleves. People who seek self improvement and empowerment.


Big time R&B fan, Hip Hop selects, Salsa, Frankie


Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, Yo Soy Boriqua, Maria Full of Grace, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Finding Jose...


Sex & the City forever and always, Entourge, Sopronos (before the gay scenes, eww), Will & Grace.


When I was Puerto Rican, Almost a Woman, We Took the Streets, The Notebook, Harvest of Empire, Nice Gilrs dont get the Corner Office, The DaVinci Code, yes the list can continue...


Big time daddy's girl so you know he does his thing, The illest PR advocate I know, Mrs. Shirley Rodriguez Remeneski,Those who continue to uplift the community and realize the significance of youth empowerment.

My Blog

Battling Hip Hop, a means to an end!

My battle with Hip Hop dates back to a time when shit was sweet and the air I breathed seemed so much cleaner then now. To many, Hip Hop is a way of living, a culture, a savior. People gravitate ...
Posted by MsExclusiveness on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 09:10:00 PST