xStraight Edge Veganx profile picture

xStraight Edge Veganx


About Me

A lot of people do not know about or have bean told some BS by some one else so guess i will tell you.
Straight-Edge. Straight edge is something that got started, well umum there are many opinions on what scene it got started in so ya, you pic one . The people that follow straight edge do not do...
SxE inspired by the band Minor threat has spread around the world. Some sxe are christians or hare krishnas as well as other religions. Ian Mackayes group the teen idles made a bried west-coast tourning in 1980. The group performed in Maduhay Gardens club since all of the members of the band were under 21. The members wrote an "X" on their hands with a marker as a warning to bartenders that such people should not be served alcohol. Mackays second hardcore punk band minor threat in the early-mid 1980s.
Minor threats song "out of step" and "straight edge" started the sxe lifestyle.
For some straight edgers involves refraining from casual sex.
Many sXe persons believes in sex within caring relationships rather than one night stands.
No one is sXe simply because they don't drink, smoke, or do drugs it requires an active decision and participation in the subulture.
At a hardcore show it is common practice to make an X on the hands.
Some people interpret this as a symbol of Ian MacKaye's "Don't Smoke, Don't Drink, Don't Fuck".
Others interpret the three Xs as "Body", "Mind", and "Soul".
Many adopters of the sXe lifestyle get a tattoo of the X symbol on parts of the body or wearing it on clothing, pins,etc.
Attaching the X to your name or a bands name is common pratice of sXe.
VEGAN A vegan excludes animal flesh
(meat, poultry, fish and seafood)
Animal products
(eggs and dairy)
And usually excludes
Also the wearing and use of animal products
(leather, silk, wool, lanolin, gelatin)
Some vegans also refuse to eat yeast products.
Produced in intensive factory farms, where animals suffer from confinement at the age of 6 months.
Cows barely see their first birthday.
Chickens and turkeys raised for meat are kept in huge, overcrowded, putrid sheds.
Chickens have their beaks sliced off with a hot knife.
Egg-laying hens are packed so tightly into cages that they can't even stretch one wing.
Pigs get their teeth cut in half and their tails cut off.
Pigs on factory farms spend their lives on concrete floors in crowded pens.
Like chickens and turkeys, pigs are drugged and bread to grow so fast and so big that many can barely walk.
Dairy cows have electric machines hooked up to their huge, swollen udders, causing cuts and injuries and the resulting pus, blood, and scabs all end up in that milk mustache.
In order for a cow to produce milk, she must first have a calf.
Female cows are artificially inseminated shortly artificially inseminated shortly after their first birthday.
After giving birth, they lactate for 10 months, then they are reinseminated, and the cycle starts again.
Got Pus? Milk does.
In the U.S. we have the highest permitted upper limit of milk pus cell concentration in the world.
Baby cows are separated from their mothers within 24 hours of birth.
Fish fell pain as do all animals.
Especially when they're hooked through the mouth or dragged out of the ocean in nets to die slow, agonizing deaths by crushing, suffocation, or disemboweling.
More than half the water consumed in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food.
A vegetarian/vegan diet requires 300 gallons of water per day, while a meat-eating diet requires more than 4,000 gallons.
Vegans have cruelty-free lifestyles and a "live and let live" approach to life.
It is also good for your body.
Vegetarians and vegans live on average 6 to 10 years longer then meat-eaters.
Up to 33% of teens are obese and about two-thirds of all Americans are overweight or obese.
Only 2% of vegans are obese.
Myspace Editor
Pimp MySpace
If you have anything that i can add tell me.
If you need leafliets or more stuff on veganism or where to get cruelty-free things tell me and i will send/give you some.

My Interests

I know this dus not do xedgex justice, SORRY

I'd like to meet:

XEDGEX and/or vegans/vegetarians people it could be one or the uther it dus NOT have to be bolth.
If your a band/clothing company and whant to be on my top friends go ahed and message me, DO NOT ask by commenting the page. You could be a SXE and/or VEGAN band/clothing company it dus NOT have to be bolth so dont ask that.(or it could be a HC band thats not sxe or vegan ) If you have Comments/Questions send me a message and if i have time i will get bake to you.


That's like a quarter of what i listen to

My Blog

"Free-Range" is BULL SHIT!!!!!!!!

The Reality of "Free-Range" Eggs  There are very few places that have truly free-range eggs. If a farm produces enough to package their eggs and put them on a store shelf you can be fairly certai...
Posted by xStraight Edge Veganx on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 09:44:00 PST


The guy in this video has something to good say i think you should take a look at it, tell me wut you think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76vndUd2A24  ...
Posted by xStraight Edge Veganx on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 06:28:00 PST

If your sXe you dont have to be an ASS about it

Just because your sXe it does not give you the right to be an ass about it. Have pried in it do not go around telling people to live sXe because that will just tern them of to it. when some one p...
Posted by xStraight Edge Veganx on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 12:34:00 PST


FUCK SCHOOL PRIDE!!!    Chino High is a crap hole. one of the biggest football games of the year is called "THE MILK CAN" and all the kids do  is get high, drunk behind the bleeche...
Posted by xStraight Edge Veganx on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 06:23:00 PST

NO GIRLZ!!!!!!

HARDCORE IS A MEN'S GAME!!! The things some women in the scene have to put up with. This saying reminds me of little boys who make up little club houses and put up little signs that say NO GIRL...
Posted by xStraight Edge Veganx on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 02:25:00 PST