Here's My Quote For the Day:"So what are you here for? The light show..duh!!""That was so was wrong.""Taylor is fantastic at capturing life in all it's blurred moments" --Jen about Taylor's ability to take pictures"My life is so fantastic--it must be bulletinized!!" --by Lynds, my leetle frand""I love you with an absurdity that defies rationality!" --by Me to my best good friend ;~p"It would have been bad if it had been worse." --my best good friend, Sarah :~)"Politicians are alot like diapers. They should be changed often and for the same reason." Anonamous (It's funny 'cause it's true!)And I totally stole this from some random guy but it was so funny I had to share:"Some people are like slinkies. Not really good for anything but will bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs."
Someone who makes me laugh, who is confident, enjoyable, and thinks I'm flippi'n awesome!! LOL!!
"Ok Go is the Capitol of Fucking Awesome" --Damian @ Stubb's, Austin, TX
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She's the Man is my current favorite movie. I think anyone who has a good sense of humor and enjoy HOT guys should see this movie. Mmmmm, Channing Tatum...enough said.
SMALLVILLE!! It's an addiction...