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Well I know that it's a wonderful world, From the sky down to the sea. But I can only see it when yo

About Me

i am a calledge grajuette.yay for me.; myspace layouts for Get this layout for your myspace page.

My Interests

never doing homework...ever...ever...again. music, movies, art, cooking. girly-stuff like knitting, crocheting, baking, shopping. i love sunsets, forests, the sunrise, foggy days, parks and open grassy areas, fresh snow, all the seasons for their unique beauty...i am interested in good books, good food, good entertainment, but most importantly, good people.

I'd like to meet:

more people who give a shit. about anything really. like here in taiwan, people have been protesting for 8 days straight. and they aren't leaving until their sorry excuse for a president steps down. and i'm not talking like a few people standing around with picket signs, i'm talkin' hundreds of people by day and thousands of people by night, with huge LED screens and every news camera in the city on them. every channel on tv, if not broadcasting the protest straight up, has at least a split screen to stay updated on the demonstration. they've stood there through typhoons just to get their message across. they seriously give a shit about kicking out their corrupt leader. i'd like to meet more people like them.


JAMES MORRISON. Sarah something-or-other, death cab for cutie, seu jorge, the decemberists, jack johnson, jason mraz, john mayer, g love, ben harper, soul coughing, the mars volta, apc, ceasar, brazil, eric hutchinson, kyle raibko, maroon 5, ben folds (five), pink floyd, led zepplin, modest mouse, postal service, badly drawn boy, stereophonics, lifehouse, johnny lang, aqualung, mazzy star, fiona apple, norah jones, miles davis, john coltrane, billie holiday, coldplay....this could go on and on....


blood diamond, motor cycle diaries, memento, what dreams may come, elf, anchorman, vanilla sky, american beauty, usual suspects, LA confidential, meet the deedles, the abyss, ice age, crash, me you and everyone else we know, ...drawing a blank right now...


is my best friend and worst enemy...


Most recently: On Beauty, Midnight's Children, God of Small Things. All else: Mama Day, In the Time of the Butterflies, Wicked, Catch-22, The Bean Trees, Pigs in Heaven, Animal Dreams, The Iliad, The Orestia, Antigone, Medea, Dr. Doolittle series, The DaVinci Code, The Politics of Rights, The Great Gatsby, MiddleSex is one of the best books i have read recently (thanks to the jin sue), Pages for You...


anyone who makes sacrifices to help those who are less fortunate. our individual lives are like the blink of an eye compared to the history of the world, i admire those who can make a lasting impact. Proof that there is such thing as immortality. you are my heroes.

My Blog

just checking.....

soo...big ol' swiveling-pleather-office-chair-butts are sexy right? yes! now, i don't need to get a $360/2yr membership to a gym!
Posted by april on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 09:36:00 PST


so...on saturday, the day of my official graduation....i was offered a full-time position...and today, i met with the folks....and i took it! i'm officially a full-time working stiff! title: Case Mang...
Posted by april on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:01:00 PST


in my new house, sitting at an old table, tapping on a laptop that isn't even mine.  can't think straight...gotta finish this essay...this LAST essay....so easy, so simple, so liberating, and yet...
Posted by april on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 12:38:00 PST

future? career? wha?

okay friends, need some advice.... i've been interviewing for jobs and so far there are two places that i can work. one option is in retail; i love customer service and would benefit from flexible hou...
Posted by april on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 02:52:00 PST

Wigs for Kids....short hair for April

Good god, been a lonnnnnnnng time since I've had short hair. I guess, relative to others, my hair is still long, but damn! Donating my hair wasn't as dramatic as I thought it would be, but my hair bei...
Posted by april on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 08:09:00 PST

i am so lame

so, practically everyday in LFP, there are people who protest the current administration and the War on Terror. they stand out on the main intersection and hold up signs and give everybody the peace f...
Posted by april on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 05:07:00 PST


why the hell do i have to classified as "other"? i mean, fuck, myspace....get with the times! almost everyone in the US is made up of more than one ethnic component, damn! no, i'm not entirely asian, ...
Posted by april on Sat, 06 May 2006 10:38:00 PST

so here's the thing....

...dogs have four legs. this makes them doubly capable of walking. why then do people, as they are walking with only their two legs, trap their quadraped canine companions in those ridiculous car...
Posted by april on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 01:19:00 PST


i am proud to say that i've been accepted to the Ecology and Society in India program and will be spending fall quarter in the Himilayan moutain region!
Posted by april on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 01:36:00 PST

arguments are so fucking lame......

........especially when the problem isn't with the other person's position.....it's fucking lame when they don't even understand why the person is upset in the first place. and, the more i try to exp...
Posted by april on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 12:50:00 PST