Firstly it was the caos then....
and the caos increased!
Sbudellatron started their project in the late 2018.
They went back in the past with a time machine engeenered by Dr. Prot to dominate the world, but this is another story... that we can speak about later.
and anybody can see that
you have some shits in your mouth!
Anyway... what was I saying... oh yes! Thanks, Igor.
Micheal Bello was working for mineral worker, and during a conference between cook and engenering he knew Dr. Prot who was operating for the catering service. Immediately they started to fight with violence and eggs but after just 15 years they embarked a very useful cooperation and started to fight toghether to destroy the worst enemy of the world: The Emorroids!
It was not simple, but one day during a meeting in a toilet, Micheal Bello had a beautiful idea, while Dr. Prot in the kitchen tuned their toast-machine et voila'. The Emorroids was broken in two parts. They understood that if they had kept to realize this kind of sound the disappearence of Emorroids will happen for sure. So they started to produce music every where people needed some help with a special sbudell-signal projected in the sky but only in the night, because in the day they had a normal life.
Nobody knows their identities but evrybody has to thank them for the ass.
David Lee Levis
Daiely Journal
Sbudellatron: estasi e morte, estate’ e fagioli al curry, bambini intrappolati in folto e accogliente pelane di babbuino, succose chitarre fotoretrattili, gropupies tascabili alla Cannella e basette sempre ben oliate... il demone candariano della perversione giace increspato fra le fetide pieghe dei calzettini di spugna di michael, maestoso è il suo alito e , le caramelle che egli ha donato ai pargoli del vicinato hanno eseguito la loro mansione.. le porte del mondo si aprono al caos, le discoteche applaudono il ritorno della musica, le groupies sudano frementi e si depilano le coscie con miele e schegge di lamiera. Maurizio costanza muore, finalmente i camosci dorati spandono il loro fragrante letame nelle Boutique del centro, satana apre il suo cuore alla discodance, pechino è invasa da tavolette di galak al latte e il sangue raddensato del pesce che avete preparato per l’ennesima cena di fine estate diventa il nostro unguento magico, lattine e fanfare, mogli sgozzate e lampadine al selenio con ripieno di caviale fluorescente, magici insetti pelosi incrostano il sugo della mia pasta…… Alonzo non è gay