58-60 corvettes, 67 corvettes, 67-69 camaros, 70's 'cudas, abfab, abstract expressionism, albert king, alice in chains, allen jones, amsterdam, animal rights, annie vox, aphex twin, architecture, assemblage 23, b b king, barbwire, bauhaus, belgian beer, bettie page, big hair, bill hicks, bill moyers, billie holiday, bob marley, boots, buddy guy, carnegie hall, cha no yu, chain smokers, chocolate, christopher guest, cigarette breath, clubwear, corsets, cosmology, dangling, david bowie, david lynch, demask, east village, erin's leg scene, eye make-up, eye shadow, eyeliner, fake eyebrows, fake lashes, false eyelashes, fdny, felini, fetish, fetish fashion, fetishism, film noir, formula one, frank zappa, franz kline, french and saunders, front 242, frontline, gerry anderson, girls-who-smell-like-ashtrays, gourmet cooking, graphic design, heavy make-up, heavy petting, helmut newton, high heels, hockey, horse racing, ifc, independent films, industrial design, ischia, italy, james brown, japan, jayne mansfield, jean harlow, jennifer saunders, jfk assassination, jimi hendrix, john lee hooker, john lennon, john watters, kurosawa, kyoto, latex, leather, liquid liner, long fingernails, long nails, louis i kahn, mae west, make-up, marlene dietrich, micro miniskirts, miles davis, mistress persephone, monet, mopar, mozart, muddy waters, muscle cars, napa valley, noam chomsky, ny rangers, olivia, pale skin, patent leather, photo-realism, photography, pin-ups, portishead, primal scream, pvc, robert motherwell, robert plant, rome, rubber, santana, secret government, sex, shibuya, sippie wallace, skiing, skin two, slutty clothes, smoking, smoking fetish, sorayama, stanley kubrick, sushi, t-bone walker, t-rex, tadao ando, tattoos, the chili peppers, the progressive, the simpsons, theater, tokyo, tom wesselman, tube amplifiers, vampirella, vargas, vegetarian, venice, vinyl, vivaldi, wigs, wine.
Interesting abnormal artistic people....And yes I am also looking for a date.
Way too many to list, I like all kinds: B.B. King, Muddy Waters, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Primal Scream, The Who, Bauhaus, Covenant, The Red Hot Chili Pepers, Portishead, STP, Bowie, Soundgarden, The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, The Misfits, Iggy Pop, Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach, Bob Marley, The Mighty Sparrow, David Rudder, Miles Davis, John Coltraine, Dizzy Gilespie, Charlie Parker, also; and Electronica/Trance.
Kubrick, Kurosawa, Coppola, Godard, Truffaut, Bergman, David Lean, Felini, Kazan, Russ Myers, David Lynch, Coen Bros and others
South Park, Hockey, F1, Olympic Sports, Family Guy, The Simpsons, The Sopranos, and Frontline.
John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln, FDR, Allen Jones, Gandhi, Franz Kline, Henri Matisse, Herbert Matter, RFK, Jackie Robinson, Imhotep...