Dogs (except wiener dogs...fuck wiener dogs!), knitting, stupid dances, anime, sci-fi, zombie movies, writing, aerobics, the inevitable return of the 80s, vintage stuff, bicycles, anthropology, linguistics, physics, astronomy, literature, zines, hiking, recycling and pornography.
Agent Dale Cooper and Neil Diamond.
Old skool: The Cure, Depeche Mode, Joy Division, New Order, Bauhaus, and their ilk. New skool: The Knife, Bloc Party, Ladytron, The Blow, Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, Of Montreal and more. Locals: Pocket Parade, Yoyodyne, Moan, Mattress and so much more!
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Twin Peaks, Simpsons, Family Guy, Cowboy Bebop, South Park, Witch Hunter Robin, The X Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Farscape, Antiques Roadshow, Kingdom Hospital.
Writers! Katherine Dunn, Gore Vidal, Clive Barker, Zora Neale Hurston, JD Salinger, Sherman Alexie, Tom Spanbauer, Johanna Sinsalo, Ovid, The Shelleys (MW and PB), Blake, Coleridge, Byron, Keats, Wilde, Yeats, Phillip K Dick, Phillip Jose Farmer, Harlan Ellison, Ursula LeGuin, Frank Herbert, David Sedaris, Chuck Palahniuk, Laurie Notaro, Chris Haberman.
Bill Hicks. David Lynch. Zora Neale Hurston.