Jerry profile picture



About Me

I'm a proud parent of two beautiful children and a happy husband to a beautiful and awsome wife. I love to hang out with my family. I also love to drink beer and listen to metal cds, hang out with friends and dwell on past memories. I love to play guitar. I have a black Ibanez SA Series guitar. I'm into computers and some of the latest technology, but you might actually find me a little old fashion as I can't stand to keep up with all the new "bubble gum" trends. I like to watch football on Sundays when I have a chance to step away from my busy life. I believe that metal is the classical music of modern day. I believe in the second coming of Christ. I believe in being nice to others even though you may not like them. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. I don't believe in war. I believe in anti-racism. All men are truely created equal as we are all different as well. There are good people and troubled people in every race. The sooner we can all realize that, the sooner this earth will be a better place in which to live.

My Interests

Chuck Schuldiner,
Information Technology,
fast cars,
my kids,

Sins of Omission-
"Omission" is here taken to be the failure to do something one can and ought to do. If this happens advertently and freely a sin is committed. Moralists took pains formerly to show that the inaction implied in an omission was quite compatible with a breach of the moral law, for it is not merely because a person here and now does nothing that he offends, but because he neglects to act under circumstances in which he can and ought to act. The degree of guilt incurred by an omission is measured like that attaching to sins of commission, by the dignity of the virtue and the magnitude of the precept to which the omission is opposed as well as the amount of deliberation. In general, according to St. Thomas, the sin of omission consisting as it does in a leaving out of good is less grievous than a sin of commission which involves a positive taking up with evil. There are, of course, cases in which on account of the special subject matter and circumstances it may happen that an omission is more heinous. It may be asked at what time one incurs the guilt of a sin of omission in case he fails to do something which he is unable to do, by reason of a cause for which he is entirely responsible. For instance, if a person fails to perform a duty in the morning as a result of becoming inebriated the previous night. The guilt is not incurred at the time the duty should be performed because while intoxicated he is incapable of moral guilt. The answer seems to be that he becomes responsible for the omission when having sufficiently foreseen that his neglect will follow upon his intoxication he does nevertheless surrender himself to his craving for liquor.

I'd like to meet:

Old friends.


Metal, heavy metal, death metal, true metal, traditional metal, power metal, rock, punk, classical, jazz, oh and metal, too.
Bands: Death, Kreator, Slayer, Pestilence, Carcass, Control Denied, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Van Halen, Malevolent Creation, Sadus, Cynic, Bolt Thrower, Metallica, Forbidden, Megadeth, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Burning Inside, Dream Theater, Pharaoh, Dofka, Queensryche, Forced Entry, Violence, Testament, King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Anthrax, S.O.D., M.O.D., Lamb of God, Angry Samoans, Dr. Know, The Dead Smurfs... and more.


Back to the Future,
Shawshank Redemtion,
Gleaming the Cube,
Fifth Element,
12 Monkeys,
The Green Mile,
Walk The Line,
Harry Potter...


Forensic Files,
Home Improvement,
Everybody Loves Raymond,
Knight Rider,
Quantum Leap,
and Seinfeld.


The Bible & Thrasher Magazine


Jesus Christ,
Chuck Schuldiner,
my parents,
Darth Vader.