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Eerie Stratum


About Me

OUT NOW Gorilla Angreb discography CD (enhanced) SOON Cease/Mink Mussel Creek split 12" AND Astral Travel 7"/CD

My Interests

cottaging and cloudbusting

I'd like to meet:

Cease & Mink Mussel Creek release their shared 12" Saturday December the 22nd at AMPLIFIER w/ Bone (aka Bunt/Globes). $12 Doors 8pm. Part of the door will be going to the SEA SHEPHERD.


Extortion CD/7", My Disco 3" CD, True Radical Miracle 3" CD, Iron Lung CD, Fabulous Diamonds 3" CD-R, Tucker B's/Eddy Current Suppression Ring CD, Gorilla Angreb CD



The Wizard of Speed and Time, Crazy Ryhthms, Aflonso Bonzo, Red-Hot Swamis, LAFMS, Astral Travel, For Almost Ever, Scooter, Chaos Pouch, Pakioufakis, Prison Grism, J.B-L.

My Blog

Stained Circles - New Label and Touring outfit

STAINEDCIRCLES.COMMYSPACE.COM/STAINEDCIRCLESFirst cab of the rank is a reissue of the H100's 'Dismantle' on 12" which is a split release with Stomp Your Gonads in the US. And then Jay Reatard's 'Blood...
Posted by Eerie Stratum on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 10:59:00 PST

Discography Part I

Most titles available online at Missing Link no.0 Iron Lung tour CD (split release) 500 copies, early 2005.  no.1 My Disco collapse of an erratic lung 3" CD (reissue of first 7") 2...
Posted by Eerie Stratum on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 04:28:00 PST