Directed By: Justin Mora
A film about a evil spirit that lingers in a wood and transforms into bodies of its victums CHECK OUT THE SEQUEL ASWELL!
Get this video and more at ..Maniac 2
Directed by: Justin Mora & Donnie Jefferson
The story of a haunted wood and the spirit that lives there, it can transform into any body it can get a hold of. The two films focus on children that are consumed into visting that wood and half of them never come back. ... (more)
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Tony ScottA Harsh Life Teaser Trailer A Story about a boy named Robert who enters into depression after his parents divorce ultimately leading to his suicide. .. width="425" height="350" ..
OLD FILMS.....The Party Directed by: Justin Mora & Alex Sanchez Released April 1, 2005 ... Man v.s. Man 2: The Grand Fight Directed by: Justin Mora Released May 10, 2005 ... The Longhorn Killer Directed by: Justin Mora Released March 20, 2005 Synopsis: This is the story of the longhorn killer, who terriozes her victums wearing all texas longhorn stuff. This film was my last webcam film that I have made and it is also shot in one room. It was filmed in about 7 hours and edited in 4. Okay the film goes like this one anchor slash volunter police officer, its a small town gives a newsreport about the longhorn killer and then gets a witnesses to come to his office. The witness nikkie daniels comes over and gets interviewed by John Johnsten the anchor slash volunter police officer. But a twist happens in this film and it all goes haywire by the end. Check it out before your the next victum. This film was finished at the end of March this year, but it is finally being released now so enjoy!...