I love reading, singing, dancing...oh and I play a mean air guitar
Ok, I've already met her, but I sure do miss Lizzie
I am currently a little bitter at all my friends who will be going to see David Crowder and Phil Wickham...but not enough to change my plans so I can go :)
adopt your own virtual pet!
My alltime favorite is Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. I REALLY like stupid movies. Generally I can't handle scary movies, stupidscary I like, Army of Darkness is another favorite
I don't really watch tv, not even the news.
Right now I'm reading: Well, in my bed (which is of course where the best reading material is kept) is my Bible, some Spurgeon sermons on prayer, and Spiritual Leadership by Oswald Saunders. And in my purse you will find a bible, Hinds Feet for High Places, and journal of truths I can read whenever I doubt or fear. Oh, and I'm still reading Miracles by C.S. Lewis, and Breaking Free by Beth Moore, and sermons on Trials by Jon Courson on the shelf next to my bed that I built so I wouldn't sleep with all my books...it hasn't worked so far :)My current favorites: The Word
Jesus, my mom, my dad, both of my bros. They have all stood up for me in love and strength to my adversaries when I didn't have the strength, courage, or ability to do so.