x0` k i s s e s profile picture

x0` k i s s e s


About Me

hey everyone.my name is veronica and i'm from jersey.i'm 100% PoLiSh...!!!! i'm 16 and it's the best year in the whole world. i love hangin out with my friends and having a blast with them, especially wen we're at parties 2gether. they mean the world to me becuz they lite up my days wen i'm down. wen me and my friends go out we dunt think about anyone else except us, cuz we wanna make sure we're having a blast. friends+parties=my LIFE. people mite call me conceided but i'm really not, only sometimes wen i kno i'm rite. but other times i love makin myself feel good and i dunt think people should take it seriously. making myself laugh is the best part of me cuz i love laughin at my own jokes and myself. i have a big sense of humor and my personality explodes around people i know. i am taken and i'm enjoyin every minute of it but i must say sometimes i miss being single *sometimes*. if you wanna talk 2 me or find out a lil more im me on my sn... [MiSz iinOcEnT xO]This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor V2.5Take the quiz: "What purse is perfect for you?"

juicy couture bag
You are a fun-loving, outgoing, interesting person, and everyone loves to be around you.haha eww madd ugly purse but the writing is CORECT LOL . .LOOK OUT!
ïòð Veronica is a radioactive squirrel!!
From Go-Quiz.comTake the quiz: "Which FEMALE Celeb do you relate to most?"

Jessica Simpson
You are the great strong voiced Jessica Simpson. You always get what you want and that's what you tend to do best. That's awesome!Take the quiz: "Which F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Cast Member are you? (pics!)"

You are a shopahollic!!! You are kinda spoiled but loved by everyone!! You love clothes and people and thats whats great about you!!

My Interests

mAlL... lovin sho0pin n' $pendin it LaRgE.. HCO, A&F[sOcCer=My LiFe[UNION FURY>...FrIeNdS +ak il ak tl bs rk cl mt os js pn dp ac pb jb rk mj rk dm...pArtiEs=the Way To LivE iT...music+party+drinks=My hObBy...
V Vigorous
E Emotional
R Responsible
O Outrageous
N Neglected
I Important
C Confused
A Accurate
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
How to make a Veronica
3 parts anger
1 part humour
3 parts instinct
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little lustfulness if desired!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com


I LoVe Techno, Dance, Club, Trance, Polish Hip-Hop, R&B, Rap, and mostly everythin !!