My music
Vince Vaughn!!! HEll YEAH
I have a lot of inspirations, but anything that sounds good!
The absolute best movie ever is The Boone Dock Saints!!! but i like scary movies, horror flicks, comedies, well in short I like them all.
Don't watch much but the other day i saw this show Pysch and it was so funny....
What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Your Information
Sexual Orientation
92.00% Flirting Skill Level
91.00% Kissing Skill Level
74.00% Cuddling Skill Level
93.00% Sex Skill Level
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I would have to say by far, my Father is my hero. He is the smartest man I have ever met and has taught me so much about life and myself. He is a Vietnam Veteran and is gifted in so many areas. Thanks Dad for all the advice through the years