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The Found Generation

About Me

We come to you not under the social constraints of any familiar stereotype. We are people, and you are people. These statement aren't meant to insult, but to point out current social weaknesses. As members of Generation Y (the generation born from 1978-2000), we are upset and insulted that the only things we will be remembered for are things like Ugg boots, ipods, and tanning beds. And so we ask this question of you all: Why should we allow these things to define the entirety of youth culture when we have the potential, talent and capability to dig deeper?
Undoubtedly one of our biggest deterrences is the fact that we are simply aware of ourselves - as a generation, a group that will be remembered by history. We are not aware, or perhaps not concerned, that we, as a group, are capable of shaping and determining how, exactly, history remembers us. So far, the preconceived memory of Generation Y is one of superficiality, of complete lack of imagination. If you look on at the list of notable people born in Generation Y, you'll find that most all of them are athletes, actresses, or pop singers. Why should celebrities made famous by money be more notable than legitimate artists? Only one author can be found among the list.
We're living in an age where introspection and self-expression are undermined by corporate schemes, where our generation is as affected by the media as much as (if not more than) it is by the people around them. Sadly, we're not the worst off. Generationalists predict that the generation below us (born 2000-on) will be the New Silent Generation, a replica of the Silent Generation in the 1930s- "withdrawn, cautious, unimaginative, indifferent, unadventurous, and silent."
The 20th Century has drawn to a close, and if you were to reflect upon it, you would be able to distinctly identify each respective decade and generation as being unique to itself. Why don't we make the 21st century worth being a part of? We are a frighteningly inactive group of people - thanks, in part, to the fact that our entire means of amusement plugs into a wall behind the bookshelf in our room. Screens beam information and entertainment into our bedrooms via computers and televisions, and we sit, dormant, before them for hours at a time We almost necessitate a cultural revolution, or our future generations will suffer from apathy and lack of progressive movement.
Stand against the mediocrity that has been forecasted for you as a generation. A society depends on the individuals that make it up, and it takes a large group of people to become a true catalyst for change. What we beseech of you is to get in contact with us. We are people, and you are people, and we want this as badly as we hope you want it. There is a small flame here in our generation to be nursed and tended to. We, as a generation, have the talent and promise to rise and become something of historical greatness. It's time for us to become aware of ourselves as an influential body of people. Our generation can have an effect, an immense one, if we work for it. We are talented people - musicians, writers, actors, dancers, filmmakers, artists. We are becoming politically minded. We have the power and the opportunity to change the shape of history, and of history's memory of us. We won't stand to be labelled as the "Ipod Generation" or become so complacent and cold that we're called the "New Lost Generation." Please join with us in our voice as the "Found Generation" as we strive to better our lives and be remembered for our artistic, emotional, and other substantial contributions to the world.