AdEE ANtiX[RETARD] profile picture


strength through pain, you cant destroy the heart inside, strenght through pain, to your surprise im

About Me

NO one in this world can describe my life whether if its the poets or philosophers i choose to go down my paths even if it leads me down the bad path, i learn from my mistakes just like everyone does, i take my time and see things clearer down to the bone the dog chews.I see the world behind closed door. you have to look through the door to seee the real deal. there is no secret to my life just to live it and i plan on it always being that way, i am a mystery though. i might be a young one in flesh but its not our bodies that make us older but our minds and hearts and souls. a souls, a mind is not measured by its age but by its experience. and thats it take it our leave it-Antics. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


I'd like to meet:



first and for most is some good punk rock, not crap as crust...indie.. alternative. jazz. classic rock.. everyone and everything that diserves to be heard..

and more


movies that have a point..


Seinfeld!! "these pretzels are making me thirsty"Sex in the city..beleive is or not that foursome of girls can teach you a thing or two..


lots and lots off them ...its is knowledge expanded to imagination


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My Blog

the wall of kids with goals and dreams

distruction is what we cant condoneyou console me and ill bleed on you the voices still grow like the torches gaint flameand we are the lions left to tame but we wont die down till we stop breathing b...
Posted by AdEE ANtiX[RETARD] on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 09:14:00 PST

for what its worth

Theres a broken kid inside of me A trainwreck, im a messhit & run till some one ends up deadthen whats left? I have scars on my skinand i dont own a soul. whats left of me, on these dry streets so...
Posted by AdEE ANtiX[RETARD] on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 02:30:00 PST


can you see the wind can you see it move and swish and rattle up in the trees or ass it scoops up a hand full of leaves only to toss them a few inches maybe a few feet how times can be, when the on...
Posted by AdEE ANtiX[RETARD] on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 05:25:00 PST


the world is wack skies are grey times are strange from me everything doesnt go my way and when it does it falls apart or goes away i live in a grave yard of souls and minds may bodies lie? yes. So mu...
Posted by AdEE ANtiX[RETARD] on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 08:31:00 PST

Stop the Silence

brake the chainsstop the trainslet me break the stichesthat closed your mouth and stopped your wordslet your voices be heardsuppressed for so longkept away, incagedlike a lab rat or a visious dogthe t...
Posted by AdEE ANtiX[RETARD] on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 08:34:00 PST

spades under sleeves

which card do you pick? the ace of spade on my hat and the one crawled up my sleeve like a spider up its web the card tells all holds the truths and the lies behind my life magician i wish i was to ma...
Posted by AdEE ANtiX[RETARD] on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 08:20:00 PST


Blood shot Eyes wery & Tired No sleep, No sleep Feeling InComplete But not Gonna Weap Stop, Think Cant, To Fast Thoughts Emotion Run Mach Speed Flash of Memories Come BAck Consentration lost Pres...
Posted by AdEE ANtiX[RETARD] on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 04:43:00 PST