You! The one thing I love more than anything is meeting new people. It's a whole new chance to gain a new perspective on things in the world. Especially open-minded people. Closed-minded people are like umbrellas: they only work if you open them up but if you keep them closed you can cause a lot of damage!
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If you send me a friend request and I deny it, don't take it personally! It's probably because you're trying to sell me something. Yeah, I'm talking about all you fuckers trying to sell I-Pods, game consoles, matchmaking services, sex... Look I'm not saying that I don't want you as a friend, I'm saying that you don't really want me as a friend. There's already a nasty advertising bar at the top of my profile, I don't need that shit junkin up my comments as well. That's all. What I do. So...yeah, what I do. I'm in psychology with the hopes of taking it to the doctorate level. Everybody's got a dream, eh? But along my path I have learned so much, it's been an enlightening journey. I suppose I love my major so much because it relates to life (not that other sciences don't but, hey, come on!). Anywho, below are some pretty cool white dudes (in my opinion) who made some pretty bold strides in their time. They were laughed at, ridiculed by their peers... but ultimately they rocked the foundations of what people believed.
Sigmund Freud
This man was one of the first in his field to really attempt to study abnormal behavior. Ok, so his methods weren't the best (i.e. relying on case studies) and his conclusions were a little far-fetched (little boys resent their father because they fear castration???) but he was the one who made the assertion that one's childhood may affect the person as an adult and I just luuuv his dream analysis! B.F. Skinner
"Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed [...] and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become [...] a doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and, yes, even into beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors." Pretty bold statement to make, eh? But he had a point. Skinner prescribed to the idea that one's behavior is not governed by his inner-soul so to speak but by his environment. A man cannot be held accountable for his mistakes but he could not take credit for his achievements either. Think about it. Charles Darwin
Ok, so he's not really into the psychology field as the previous two but he had a hand in shocking the world into the notion that there's nothing really special or "divine" about our beginings. Another unpopular idea but a very true one.
Some funny clips Well, I think they're pretty funny. You be the judge.
Stop It!!!
She's a Witch!!
Yes, yes, it's Bob Newhart. I really like this clip, mainly because that's how I feel most of the time when it comes to other people's drama. Sometimes we just have to knock it off.
This clip is brought to you by the excellent crew of Monty Python. The best in British humor if you ask me. I don't know what's funnier: this clip or the fact that these methods were valid once...
So, on a happy note, I would like to announce the joyful reunion of two very awesome people on my top friends list: Damien and My Demention are getting married!!! And they're having a June wedding, very lovely. Anywho, I love you guys and I wish you nothing but the best!